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theorem and_distrib' (A B C : Prop) :
(A ∧ C) ∨ (B ∧ C) → (A ∨ B) ∧ C :=
assume h : (A ∧ C) ∨ (B ∧ C),
or.elim h
(assume k : A ∧ C,
(or.intro_left B (and.elim_left k))
(and.elim_right k))
(assume k : B ∧ C,
example (A B C : Prop) : A → (A → B → C) → B → C :=
assume a : A,
assume f : A → B → C,
assume b : B,
f a b
example (A B C D : Prop) :
A ∨ B → (A → C) → (B → D) → C ∨ D :=
assume h : A ∨ B,
assume f : A → C,
assume g : B → D,
or.elim h
(assume a : A , or.intro_left D (f a))
(assume b : B, or.intro_right C (g b))
theorem uncurry (A B C : Prop) : (A → (B → C)) → (A ∧ B → C) :=
assume h1 : A → (B → C),
assume h2 : A ∧ B,
h1 (and.left h2) (and.right h2)
theorem and_distribute (A B C : Prop) : A ∧ (B ∨ C) → (A ∧ B) ∨ (A ∧ C) :=
assume h1 : A ∧ (B ∨ C),
or.elim (and.right h1)
Overview of this lecture:
1. Proof strategies
2. Classical reasoning
3. Forward reasoning
4. Improving readability
In this exercise, you learn about
the introduction and elimination
rule of bi-implication
First, read the explanation given
Then fill in the holes in the proofs
Note that given hypothesis
h : A ∧ B
the AND-elimination (left)
and.elim_left h
can also be abbreviated as
Similar for (right):
In this exercise, you learn about
the introduction and elimination
rule of bi-implication
First, read the explanation given
Then fill in the holes in the proofs
Last week we saw
1. intro and elim rules in Lean
2. first proofs in Lean
In particular, we saw how
section exercise
--assume propositions A, B, C
variables A B C : Prop
-- A → B → C → (A ∧ B) ∧ (A ∧ C)
example : A → B → C → (A ∧ B) ∧ (A ∧ C) :=
assume a : A,