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bengosney / gist:06b611c051c0f3e6d8837c9adbd553b9
Created April 8, 2016 10:27
Ansible timezone for CentOS
- name: Check current timezone
shell: "timedatectl | gawk -F'[: ]+' ' $2 ~ /Timezone/ {print $3}'"
register: current_zone
changed_when: False
- name: Set UTC timezone
file: src=/usr/share/zoneinfo/{{ timezone }} dest=/etc/localtime state=link force=yes
when: current_zone.stdout != '{{ timezone }}'
bengosney / commit-msg
Created August 15, 2019 09:51 — forked from romellem/commit-msg
Git hook - Post-commit spell check (using `aspell`)
ASPELL=$(which aspell)
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Aspell not installed - unable to check spelling" >&2
WORDS=$($ASPELL --mode=email --add-email-quote='#' list < "$1" | sort -u)
if [ -n "$WORDS" ]; then
printf "\e[1;33m Possible spelling errors found in commit message:\n\e[0m\e[0;31m%s\n\e[0m\e[1;33m Use git commit --amend to change the message.\e[0m\n\n" "$WORDS" >&2