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Bernat Fortet bernatfortet

View GitHub Profile
handleKeyDown = () => {
if(event.keyCode == 32)
this.setState({ isSpacebarPressed: true })
handleKeyUp = () => {
this.setState({ isSpacebarPressed: false })
bernatfortet / zoomIn.js
Created April 11, 2017 15:19
Zoom Problem
// Zoom an increment towards the position of my mouse
export function zoomIn(mousePosition: Object) { return (dispatch, getState) => {
const currentZoom = getState().graphEditor.zoom
const nextZoom = currentZoom+ZOOM_INCREMENT < MAX_ZOOM ? currentZoom+ZOOM_INCREMENT : MAX_ZOOM
dispatch( storeZoom(nextZoom) )
const currentPan = selectors.getPan(getState())
const graphElement = document.getElementById("graph")
const graphOffset = {
var remindersText = $('.an.cF .rv .bg span');
var strings = [];
strings += $(this).text() + "\n";
console.log( strings );
prompt("Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter", strings);
// Step 1
// First, add a bookmarklet to add jQuery to the given page. For that bookmarlet add the following code
// javascript:(function ()%7B%0A if(window.jQuery)%7B%0A alert('jQuery already loaded.');%0A %7Delse%7B%0A var script = document.createElement("script");%0A script.src = "//";%0A document.head.appendChild(script);%0A alert('jQuery Loaded.');%0A %7D%0A %0A%7D())
//(more info here:
//Step 2
//Run This code in the console
var glyphName = $(this).find('.glyphName').text();
var liga = $(this).find('.liga');
var strings = [];
cleanReminder = function(){
var reminders = $('.scroll-list-item');
if( reminders.length == 0 ){
prompt("Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter", strings);
} else {
var reminder = $('.scroll-list-item').first();
var reminderText = reminder.find('.an.cF .rv .bg span');
var reminderDoneButton = reminder.find('.itemIconDone');
defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/com.bohemiancoding.sketch3 NSUserKeyEquivalents '{
"Center Canvas" = "@1";
"ArtboardZoom - Zoom to selected Artboard" = "@2";
"Zoom Selection" = "@3";
"Actual Size" = "@4";
"Grid Settings..." = "^$g";
"Top" = "@^8";
"Right" = "@^6";
"Left" = "@^4";
"Bottom" = "@^2";
bernatfortet / Presto tool improvement scripts bookmarklet
Last active March 22, 2016 01:39
How to install: 1. Create a new bookmark | 2. type any name | 3. in the url, paste this code | 4. when in the wand, press on the bookmark | 5. Voila!
$("#unclaimed-session").bind("DOMSubtreeModified", function() {
var unclaimedUsers = $("#unclaimed-session").children().length;
$('.convo-heading').first().html('Unclaimed Users — ' + unclaimedUsers);
var _this = this;
if( i > 50 && i < 100 ){
var imgUrl = $(_this).find('img').attr("src");
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = imgUrl;
document.body.appendChild( a )
var imgUrl = document.querySelectorAll(".photo-well-media-view img")[1].getAttribute("src");
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = imgUrl;
document.body.appendChild( a );
document.location = $(".photo_wrap").find("img").attr('src')