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name: Playwright Tests
branches: [ main, master ]
branches: [ main, master ]
timeout-minutes: 60
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
/* eslint-disable */
* @jest-environment jsdom
import { shallowMountQuasar } from '~/test/jest/utils'
import DataGrid from 'components/data/DataGrid.vue'
describe('DataGrid', () => {
const testSubject = shallowMountQuasar(DataGrid, {
const { prisma } = require ('@upmetrics-platform/prisma/generated/prisma-client')
const { MongoClient, ObjectId } = require('mongodb')
void async function() {
let successCount = 0
let failureCount = 0
let skippedCount = 0
let mongoOrgSettings = null
const d = new Date();
local wezterm = require 'wezterm'
return {
enable_tab_bar = false,
enable_scrollbar = false,
color_scheme = "Broadcast",
font = wezterm.font_with_fallback({
"Symbols Nerd Font Mono"
font_rules = {
-- nvim cmp
use { 'hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp'}
use { 'hrsh7th/cmp-buffer' }
use { 'hrsh7th/cmp-path'}
use { 'hrsh7th/cmp-cmdline'}
use { 'quangnguyen30192/cmp-nvim-ultisnips' }
use { 'hrsh7th/nvim-cmp',
config = function ()
-- Setup nvim-cmp.
local cmp = require'cmp'
-- Auto install plugin manager
local install_path = vim.fn.stdpath('data')..'/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim'
if vim.fn.empty(vim.fn.glob(install_path)) > 0 then
packer_bootstrap = vim.fn.system({'git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', '', install_path})
-- Plugins configurations
-- Auto install plugin manager
local install_path = vim.fn.stdpath('data')..'/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim'
if vim.fn.empty(vim.fn.glob(install_path)) > 0 then
packer_bootstrap = vim.fn.system({'git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', '', install_path})
-- Plugins configurations
#include "minidox.h"
#include "action_layer.h"
#include "eeconfig.h"
extern keymap_config_t keymap_config;
// Each layer gets a name for readability, which is then used in the keymap matrix below.
// The underscores don't mean anything - you can have a layer called STUFF or any other name.
// Layer names don't all need to be of the same length, obviously, and you can also skip them
# /Users/geekymartian/.config/tmuxinator/up2.yml
name: up2
root: ~/workspace/up2-prototype
on_project_start: docker-compose up -d
on_project_stop: docker-compose down
- client:
root: ~/workspace/up2-prototype/up2-prototype-client
layout: main-vertical
extern keymap_config_t keymap_config;
// Each layer gets a name for readability, which is then used in the keymap matrix below.
// The underscores don't mean anything - you can have a layer called STUFF or any other name.
// Layer names don't all need to be of the same length, obviously, and you can also skip them
// entirely and just use numbers.
#define _QWERTY 0
#define _LOWER 3