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Bryan Fillmer bfillmer

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bfillmer / epic.js
Created August 5, 2016 02:59 — forked from shuhei/epic.js
An idea of side-effect-free epic like redux-saga for redux-observable
// Explicit in-out of side-effect actions.
function epic(action$, store) {
const fooReq$ = action$.ofType('FOO')
.map(action => call('FOO_REQ', webapi.getFoo,;
const foo$ = action$.ofType('FOO_REQ')
.map(foo => ({ type: 'FOO_FETCHED', payload: { foo } }));
return Observable.merge(
bfillmer / index.js
Created August 5, 2016 03:02 — forked from jonahwilliams/index.js
Redux with Rxjs
"use strict";
const Rx = require('rx');
const fetch = require('isomorphic-fetch'); /* use the fetch api on client and server */
* Given a subreddit, pull down post ids. that is, changing the subreddit by calling terms$.onNext(SUBREDDITNAME)
* automatically calls the reddit api and populates the store.
* To try it out, npm install rx and isomorphic-fetch, then
* var S = require('./index.js');
*$.subscribe(x => console.log(x)); // listen to every state change
bfillmer /
Created August 5, 2016 03:04 — forked from luisherranz/
Proposal for a redux-like API on top of Mobx

I'd got rid of action types and I'd have only actions (action creators). No strings, the function (reference) is used later for comparisons.

export const addTodo = (id, title) => ({ id, title });
export const removeTodo = id => ({ id });
actions({ addTodo, removeTodo }); // Connect it to actions.addTodo & actions.removeTodo.

That's it. They define what your app can do.

bfillmer / rxjs-saga.js
Created August 5, 2016 03:06 — forked from tomkis/rxjs-saga.js
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import { Observable, Subject } from 'rxjs';
const api = (url, fail) => {
console.log(`Loading API ${url}`);
return new Promise((res, rej) => setTimeout(() => fail ? rej(`data-${url}`) : res('SUCCESS'), 1000));
const customSaga = iterable =>
bfillmer /
Created February 7, 2017 02:21 — forked from dreamorosi/
Add Standard JS to create-react-app project

Standard JS in create-react-app

I've been using create-react-app lately as I find it very useful to kick things off while starting a project. I almost always follow JavaScript Standard Style and I found myself googling it so I figured out I should write it down.

Get Standard JS

I really like keeping dependencies as local as possible but if you prefer you can install it globally.

yarn add standard -D


bfillmer / .bash_profile
Last active August 1, 2017 16:18
Terminal Spring Cleaning
# Atom
alias a='open -a "atom"'
# ls -la
alias la="ls -laFG"
export RED="\033[1;31m"
export GREEN="\033[1;32m"
bfillmer / musings.dockerfile
Last active August 1, 2017 17:05
Wordpress & MySQL Orchestration
# Possible MySQL dockerfile
FROM mysql:latest
# Possible WordPress dockerfile
FROM wordpress:latest
bfillmer / recursive-array-flatten.js
Created January 18, 2018 16:45
Recursively Flatten an Array
// Expected input -> output
// [[1,2,[3]],4] -> [1,2,3,4]
const input = [[1,2,[3]],4]
const flatten = (array, base = []) => array.reduce(
(result, current) => ((Array.isArray(current)) ? flatten(current, result) : [...result, current])
, base)
// -> [1, 2, 3, 4]
// Basic auth0 lock functionality written functionally rather than class based.
import auth0 from 'auth0-js'
const config = {
domain: '',
clientID: '',
redirectUri: '',
audience: '',
bfillmer / machine.js
Last active May 21, 2020 18:10
Generated by XState Viz:
const dashboardMachine = Machine({
id: 'dashboardMachine',
initial: 'idle',
context: {},
states: {
idle: {
on: {
INIT: 'loadPreferences'