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vitorgalvao / Get Title and URL.applescript
Last active June 14, 2024 05:12
AppleScript and JavaScript for Automation to get frontmost tab’s url and title of various browsers.
-- AppleScript --
-- This example is meant as a simple starting point to show how to get the information in the simplest available way.
-- Keep in mind that when asking for a `return` after another, only the first one will be output.
-- This method is as good as its JXA counterpart.
-- Webkit variants include "Safari", "Webkit", "Orion".
-- Specific editions are valid, including "Safari Technology Preview".
-- "Safari" Example:
tell application "Safari" to return name of front document
ilyaevseev /
Created March 10, 2016 07:40
Install fresh FFMpeg to CentOS 6 from the dead ATrpms repo.
rpm --import
rpm -Uvh
sed -i 's,http://dl,,' /etc/yum.repos.d/atrpms*.repo
yum install ffmpeg