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Ben Lavender bhuga

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require 'quantity/all'
1.meter #=> 1 meter
1.meter.to_feet #=> 3.28083... foot
c = 299792458.meters / 1.second #=> 299792458 meter/second
newton = 1.meter * 1.kilogram / 1.second**2 #=> 1 meter*kilogram/second^2
newton.to_feet #=> 3.28083989501312 foot*kilogram/second^2
newton.convert(:feet) #=> 3.28083989501312 foot*kilogram/second^2
jerk_newton / 1.second #=> 1 meter*kilogram/second^3
jerk_newton * 1.second == newton #=> true
require 'spira'
require 'rdf'
Spira.add_repository(:person, ::RDF::Repository)
class Person
include Spira::Resource
class CDs < RDF::Vocabulary('')
property :artist
property :cds
property :artists
class CD
include Spira::Resource
require 'spira'
Spira.add_repository(:person, ::RDF::Repository)
class Person
include Spira::Resource
default_source :person
# sample heroku rackup
require 'spec'
app = proc do |env|
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rdf'
require 'do_sqlite3'
require 'rdf/do'
$:.unshift '~/repos/RDFObjects/lib'
require 'rdf_objects'
rdfobject ='')
should support #predicates
200 OK | text/plain 1070 bytes
200 OK | text/plain 1070 bytes
200 OK | text/plain 1070 bytes
200 OK | text/plain 1070 bytes
200 OK | text/plain 1070 bytes
200 OK | text/plain 1070 bytes
200 OK | text/plain 1070 bytes
ben:rdf ben$ irb
>> require 'rdf'
=> true
>> s = RDF::NTriples.unserialize '<> <> "Jhūlā." '
=> #<RDF::Statement:0x90bbb8(<> <> "Jhūlā." .)>
>> RDF::NTriples.serialize(s)
=> "<> <> "Jh\305\253l\304\201." .\n"
>> exit
require 'spira'
require 'rdf/ntriples'
class Person
include Spira::Resource
property :name, :predicate =>
property :nick, :predicate => FOAF.nick
#!/usr/bin/env jruby
libs = %w{jena-2.6.2 arq-2.8.3 icu4j-3.4.4 iri-0.8 log4j-1.2.14 stax-api-1.0.1 wstx-asl-3.2.9 xercesImpl-2.7.1 slf4j-api-1.5.8 slf4j-log4j12-1.5.8}
libdir = "/Users/ben/jena/ARQ-2.8.3/lib"
libs.each do | lib |
require File.join(libdir, "#{lib}.jar")
require '/Users/ben/jena/spinrdf-1.1.1/lib/spinrdf-1.1.1.jar'
require 'rdf'