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bigbes / -
Created November 17, 2017 01:29
local lcstd = require('luacheck.standards')
local empty = {}
local debug_defs = lcstd.def_fields(
"traceback", "setlocal", "getupvalue", "setupvalue", "upvalueid",
"getlocal", "getregistry", "getinfo", "sethook", "setmetatable",
"upvaluejoin", "gethook", "debug", "getmetatable", "setfenv",
diff --git a/shard.lua b/shard.lua
index f9ee05e..0c83af7 100644
--- a/shard.lua
+++ b/shard.lua
@@ -268,14 +268,10 @@ local function shard_status()
offline = {},
maintenance = maintenance
- for j = 1, #shards do
- local srd = shards[j]
├── bin
│   └── tarantool
├── cmake
│   ├── yamlConfig.cmake
│   ├── yamlConfigVersion.cmake
│   ├── yamlTargets-debug.cmake
│   └── yamlTargets.cmake
├── include
│   ├── config.h
local fiber = require('fiber')
local ch =
local function len(tbl)
local cnt = 0; for _, _ in pairs(tbl) do cnt = cnt + 1 end; return cnt
fiber.create(function() while true do print('fiber count:', len(; fiber.sleep(1) end end)
bigbes /
Created September 7, 2018 12:52 — forked from maelvls/
Tutorial on how to automate the build of bottles on your Homebrew tap (linux/mac)

How to automate the build of bottles on your Homebrew tap

This tutorial is a follow-up to the discussion we had on davidchall/homebrew-hep#114. It relies on a fork of the test-bot provided by davidchall; you can get it with brew tap maelvalais/test-bot. First:

  1. the Github project must be of the form<user>/homebrew-<tap> with the following tree (I give the example of one of my formulas, touist):
- build
- deploy
- demo
stage: build
- cd /home/plc-demo/blockchain-mw