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biggestT / gameModel.js
Last active December 20, 2015 20:59
Toney snippets for development blog
getPlayerScore: function (line) {
if (this._referenceLine != null) {
var playerSize = line.getSize();
var referenceSize = this._referenceLine.getSize();
var longest = Math.max(playerSize[0], referenceSize[0]);
var highest = Math.max(Math.abs(playerSize[1]), Math.abs(referenceSize[1]));
var ratio = 0.5; // Importance of total line length VS total line slope: [0->1]

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am biggestT on github.
  • I am tornet ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is FA29 9625 CA0A DA81 5EFD C4BB 1000 35E1 2BD8 F850

To claim this, I am signing this object:

const { always, tap, pipeP, invoker, map, constructN, path, pipe, prop,
applySpec, assoc, converge, pick, values, mean } = require('ramda')
const { igAuthenticatedClientP } = require('./ig')
const { pOf, convergeP, applySpecP } = require('ramdap')
// remove the spread (difference between ask/bid)
const getPrice = attr => pipe(
pick(['ask', 'bid']),