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noonat / webrtc-data-channels.js
Last active April 11, 2022 18:02
WebRTC Data Channels
// This is a bare bones example of creating a data channel between two WebRTC
// peers. Let's imagine two peers trying to connect to each other. We'll call
// one the "offer peer", and the other the "answer peer". The offer peer will
// be the one initiating a connection, and the answer peer will be the one
// responding to it.
// The two peers must use a separate connection to negotiate their connection.
// A websocket connection to a shared server is often used for this negotiation.
// They will exchange offers and answers using the websocket. Each peer will
// also attempt to discover more details about themselves (ICE), such as their
abacaphiliac /
Last active January 21, 2024 12:10
Run Kafka Container

Start Kafka service

The following commands will start a container with Kafka and Zookeeper running on mapped ports 2181 (Zookeeper) and 9092 (Kafka).

docker pull spotify/kafka
docker run -d -p 2181:2181 -p 9092:9092 --env ADVERTISED_HOST=kafka --env ADVERTISED_PORT=9092 --name kafka spotify/kafka

Why Spotify?

ADVERTISTED_HOST was set to kafka, which will allow other containers to be able to run Producers and Consumers.

nopeless / check-prime.ts
Last active April 5, 2024 20:26
static prime checking using typescript types
// Prime checking regex, which this code is based off of
type StringDivisible<n extends string, div extends string> = n extends `` ? true : n extends `${div}${infer r}` ? StringDivisible<r, div> : false;
type Substrings<n extends string, d extends string = ""> = n extends `${d}${infer r}` ? readonly [` ${d}`, ...Substrings<r, ` ${d}`>] : readonly [];
type StringFactors<n extends string> = Substrings<n> extends readonly [unknown, ...infer R extends readonly string[], unknown] ? R : never;
type StringIsPrime<n extends string, Factors extends readonly string[] = StringFactors<n>> = Factors extends readonly [infer s extends string, ...infer R extends readonly string[]] ? StringDivisible<n, s> extends true ? false : StringIsPrime<n, R> : true;
type RepeatStringByStringDigit<str extends string, d extends string> =