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data GeoCoordinate = GeoCoordinate
{ _geoCoordinateLatitude :: Double
, _geoCoordinateLongitude :: Double
} deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic)
instance Binary GeoCoordinate where
put (GeoCoordinate lat long) = do
put (0 :: Int8) -- we'll use big endian, Data.Binary's default
put (1 :: Int32)
put (4326 :: Int32)
var n = 5;
var fmodrate =, 0, Drand([1/16, 1, 1/16, 1/8, 4], inf));
var modfreq =, 0, Drand([110, 220, 440], inf)));
Mix.fill(n, { arg index; + (index ** n), + (index ** n), 0,, 2.5, 2.5)), 1 / n)
package main
import (
cid ""
SynthDef(\thicc, { |freq, ffreq=0, ftrack=1.0, res=0.5, gate=1, amp=1, out|
var unison = 5;
var freqs = Array.fill(unison, { |i|
var even, offset;
even = i % 2 == 0;
offset = ((i / 2).floor + 1) / (unison / 2) * (freq * 0.01);
offset = if (even, offset, offset.neg);
bigs / testbed_notes.txt
Created January 17, 2019 18:03
i'm so tired, these are probably slightly stupid
testbed notes
worth considering notes here, though
i have fears this leads us towards a path to kubernetes!
definition of terms:
- topology: weighted composition of nodes, e.g. gateway vs full ipfs vs p2pd
with specific modules enabled.
- scenario: the general definition of behaviors of nodes in the testbed. one
scenario runner is run per physical machine. it is responsible for

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am bigs on github.
  • I am protocole ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASB8fxzU6Sz1-uRaVvmHK0fR7Xt3WdowS5XXJ4HcZ4mqLQo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

bigs / git-hatchet
Created July 21, 2020 16:03
git hatchet -- excise old branches
#!/bin/bash ruby
require "open3"
sigint_caught = false
Signal.trap("INT") do
sigint_caught = true
throw :sigint
module Data.Matrix
Matrix : (m: Nat) -> (n: Nat) -> (a: Type) -> Type
Matrix m n a = Vect m (Vect n a)
madd : Num a => {n : _} -> Matrix m n a -> Matrix m n a -> Matrix m n a
madd [] [] = []
madd (x :: xs) (y :: ys) = vadd {n=n} x y :: madd xs ys
vadd : {n : _} -> Vect n a -> Vect n a -> Vect n a
module IndexedTypes
data Foo i = MkFoo
data FooInt i = MkFooInt Integer
mkFooInt : Foo i -> Integer -> FooInt i
mkFooInt _ = MkFooInt
addFoos : Foo i -> FooInt i -> FooInt i -> FooInt i
addFoos f (MkFooInt x) (MkFooInt y) = mkFooInt f (x + y)
module Adder
AdderType : Nat -> Type
AdderType 0 = Int
AdderType (S k) = Int -> AdderType k
adder : {n : Nat} -> {default 0 acc : Int} -> AdderType n
adder {n=Z} {acc} = acc
adder {n=S k} {acc} = \x => adder {n=k} {acc=acc + x}