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Last active October 30, 2022 11:34
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  • Save binocularity/f73d2e94589020c9cd65c122b8d80092 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save binocularity/f73d2e94589020c9cd65c122b8d80092 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
req = HTTPRequest[
f[] := (
colour = Brown;
reqStat = Quiet[ URLRead[ req, TimeConstraint -> 2]];
If[ Not[FailureQ[reqStat]],
( rawData = Import[req];
colour = RGBColor[Lookup[ rawData, "field2"]]; )
(* jack-o-latern CCby4.0 Vincent Le Moign from *)
jack = ResourceFunction["SVGImport"][
StringJoin[NotebookDirectory[], "jack-o-lantern.svg"]];
backdrop[] := (
LinearGradientImage[{Bottom, Top} -> {Evaluate[f[]], Black}, {50,
eyes[] := ( Graphics[{Evaluate[f[]], Disk[{15.5, 28}, 2.7], Disk[{32.5, 28}, 2.7]}] )
draw[] := (
Show[ backdrop[], jack, eyes[], ImageSize -> {400, 400}])
CreateDocument[ Dynamic[ draw[], UpdateInterval -> 10] ] ;
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
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NB you need to copy and paste this into Mathematica it is not a .nb notebook.
NB 2 it should work with Wolfram Engine/Mathematica free on the Raspberry PI but I have not tested it.

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