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Benjamin Jesuiter bjesuiter

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bjesuiter /
Created February 4, 2018 08:51
SH Script for MacOS to disable Symless Synergy
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Option for enabling and disabling the Service will come in 2018 to Synergy directly
launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/com.symless.synergy.synergy-service.plist
sudo killall synergy-core
bjesuiter /
Created February 4, 2018 08:53
SH Script for MacOS to enable Symless Synergy after disabling it
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Option for enabling and disabling the Service will come in 2018
launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/com.symless.synergy.synergy-service.plist
bjesuiter / filter-async.ts
Created August 22, 2018 11:59
An rxjs 6 pipe operator which filters the data based on an async predicate function returning promise<boolean>
* An operator which filters the data based on an async predicate function returning promise<boolean>
* By using **concatMap**, the order of original data events is preserved and the filter runs sequentially for each data event
* If you want to run the filter in parallel without preserving order, use **flatMap**
* See the accepted answer at:
* @param predicate
* @param thisArg
bjesuiter / reset.css
Last active December 9, 2022 22:43
bjesuiter best-practice css reset (simplest)
* bjesuiter's CSS Reset, last updated 2022-12-09
* My Github Gist:
* Based on: Josh's Custom CSS Reset
* Blogpost:
* A css reset scss file for an app-like shell.
* Can be embedded into index.html to speed up app load times.
* But be careful with components with shadow dom / emulated shadow dom encapsulation (= default),
bjesuiter /
Last active April 23, 2019 13:22
Evert Ramos Reverse Proxy - Backend Service Connection problem (Issue 144)


This Gist contains some more debugging information for the following issue:


  • My nginx-web container is called bnware-reverse-nginx-web
bjesuiter /
Last active August 10, 2019 14:23
DeckDeckGo Bugs / Improvements

DeckDeckGo Bugs / Improvements


Show Slides in Presenter Mode

The presenter mode does not show the slide contents of the current slide. This is very unfortunate, since it requires looking at the beamer when presenting, especially when no notes are attached to a specific slide.

Allow 'reveal' effect for all child elements, not only li, p and img

bjesuiter / logger.js
Last active March 7, 2020 15:25
BJesuiter Default Winston logging config
import {createLogger, format, transports} from 'winston';
import * as configService from '../config.service.js';
import {SPLAT} from 'triple-beam';
import jsonColorize from 'json-colorizer';
const {combine, timestamp, printf, colorize} = format;
const jsonColorizeOptions = {
pretty: true,
colors: {
bjesuiter / .prettierrc.yaml
Last active February 20, 2021 14:42
Bjesuiter default prettier config
# Using Yaml to be able to use comments :)
# Source Gist:
trailingComma: "es5"
printWidth: 100
tabWidth: 2
useTabs: true
singleQuote: true
bracketSpacing: true
arrowParens: "always"
semi: true
bjesuiter /
Last active March 26, 2024 15:41
SSH Best Practice Keygen Commands

SSH Best Practices

Generate new Keys

## SSH Keygen
# -t key algorithm, use "-t rsa -b 4096" for legacy systems
# -N you can pass the key's passphrase directly in the arguments
#    CAUTION: Security Risk because of shell command logging!
# -a = Anzahl der "Verschlüsselungsrunden", höher ist besser
bjesuiter /
Last active July 23, 2020 11:33
Shell-based build scripting environment with aliases
# This file can be sourced from a development shell (for example in VSCode)
# to make shortcut commands available for the project.
# This is kind of like your local build script system for each developer.
# This file should NOT be checked into version control!
# This file should contain shortcuts to other scripts with specialized settings, which are distinct for each developer.