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Gettin’ SUM & CALCin’ out

Benjamin Keating bkeating

Gettin’ SUM & CALCin’ out
View GitHub Profile

Halloween Projects Meetup

Blinking LED Project

Let's blink an LED using the 555 timer ic. You can do all sorts of things with this chip but we'll be focusing on one of the easier projects to get started. By the end of the meetup you should have a working circuit that blinks an LED. You can use this as spooky ghost eyes, or inside a pumpkin. You can look further into the 555 IC and build alternating blinking eyes! After halloween? Use it as a fake car security system ;)

Links relevant to the project and it's components.

bkeating /
Last active December 28, 2015 16:49
Grab current price of bitcoin in USD from
#!/usr/bin/env python
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib2
site = ""
# Coinbase judges you.
hdr = {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.64 Safari/537.11',
'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',

Lighting structure is separate from it's 'costume'. The lightning is then compatible with any/all festivities and we can encourage the community to decorate/make costumes for them.

The lighting system itself could be made 'intelligent'. They could sparkle as people pass by. Or if it were for halloween, they could play a 'spooky noise' as people pass by. They could be networked together, to put on simple, but coordinated light shows. The color and intensity of the light could play a role too. Think the blue gas light in Milwaukee... Blue on colder nights, Orange when it's warmer.

Ok, here is a thought that's getting out of control... Allow people to interact with the lights via the web (their phones). Each light could have a little 'dance' pattern... Or again, if it's halloween you could allow people to control what it says... as their friends walk by, they could scare them, or play something funny. Oh(!) Valentines day could get really cute with this idea.

Not thinking about the "costume" yet, the lighting

bkeating /
Last active January 1, 2016 18:59
Simple HOWTO to get 5 digit year support in WordPress.

5 Digit Year support in WordPress

This is a cosmetic tweak only, meaning WordPress, your database and system in general will not recognize the 5 digit year as a valid year. This is fine however. With this tweak we get it where it counts; Your URLS will cite 5 digit years and your template can be adjusted to also display them. It displays where your users will see it and that will get them thinking.

  1. Go to your WordPress admin panel. Under Settings -> Permalinks select Custom Structure and add your padded zero:

  2. Since your URL structure just changed, add rewrites for URLs citing 4 digit years (legacy support). Under Nginx add:

Status Boards

East Troy Computer Club Meetup
Wednesday, Feb 18th, 02013
7pm @ 2894 On Main, East Troy, WI

Many thanks to 2894 On Main for staying open extra late just for us!

Potential agenda

bkeating / gist:10936636
Created April 16, 2014 21:49
Turn your web browser into a notepad
data:text/html, <html contenteditable>
bkeating / gist:10937264
Created April 16, 2014 21:58
Instant HTTP server via Python
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from flask import Flask, jsonify, render_template, request
app = Flask(__name__)
from subprocess import check_output
def add_numbers():
"""Add two numbers server side, ridiculous but well..."""
bkeating / servo.ino
Created May 28, 2014 18:05
A simple servo sweep using PWM. Taken from an example in the Arduino IDE application.
// Sweep
// by BARRAGAN <>
// This example code is in the public domain.
#include <Servo.h>
Servo myservo; // create servo object to control a servo
// a maximum of eight servo objects can be created