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Rajendra bkrajendra

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Grids for different needs
Different people need grids for different reasons. There are all sorts of grids already operating all around you.
National grids are hosted by one country. Such grids are useful in emergency situations, such as earthquakes or terrorist attacks. National grids can also support scientific investigations, such as studies of climate change, space station design and environmental cleanup.
Project grids are created to work on a specific goal. They are typically contructed from shared resources for a limited time and are designed to meet the needs of multi-institutional research groups and "virtual teams". The LHC Computing Grid (LCG) is an example of a project grid; it was set up to help with the Large Hadron Collider high energy physics experiment.
Private grids are sometimes called local grids or intra-grids, and are used by institutions such as hospitals and corporations. These grids are relatively small and centrally managed.
bkrajendra / MatLab BG removal By Rajendra
Created February 9, 2013 18:41
MatLab BG removal By Rajendra
function [outIm] = makeMask(bg, im, tol)
%bg - background image
%im - input image
%tol - tolerance
[h,w] = size(bg);
outIm = false(h, w);
for ch = 1:h
for cw = 1:w
imPix = im(ch,cw);
bgPix = bg(ch,cw);