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ryanberckmans / Installation
Last active May 24, 2021 05:25
Sublime Text 3, ST3, cycle group tabs, switch tabs in same group, ctrl-tab in same layout
0. Install Package Control
1. Install
2. Open command palette (apple-shift-P on OSX), and search for 'Plugin' -> AAAPackageDev: New Plugin
3. paste contents of and save as
AAAPackageDev will automatically select the correct folder
(which is approximately ~/.../Sublime Text 3/Pacakges/User/)
4. add key bindings to User Key Bindings
ctrl+tab and ctrl+shift+tab will now cycle through your open tabs,
in order as expected, and won't leave the current layout group.
bladeSk /
Last active October 20, 2024 18:38
How to install Unity3D on Ubuntu based Linux distros (Kubuntu, Xubuntu, POP_OS, Mint, Neon, Zorin, etc.).

How to install Unity3D on Ubuntu based Linux distros (Kubuntu, Xubuntu, POP_OS, Mint, Neon, Zorin, etc.).

This guide details how to install UnityHub, Unity, VS Code and how to get full C# support with IntelliSense and debugging.

Tested on Kubuntu 22.04.

Installing Unity Hub

Unity Hub won't run on Ubuntu newer than 20.04 because it depends on an outdated libssl. We need to manually install the package from 20.04: