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Blaine Cook blaine

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<?xml version=’1.0′ encoding=’UTF-8′?>
<XRD xmlns=’′>
<?xml version=’1.0′ encoding=’UTF-8′?>
<XRD xmlns=’′>
<Host xmlns=’′></Host>
<Title>Resource Descriptor</Title>
<Title>Resource Descriptor</Title>
<?xml version=’1.0′ encoding=’UTF-8′?>
<XRD xmlns=’′>
<Host xmlns=’′></Host>
<Title>Resource Descriptor</Title>
// Returns a single promise that emits success or error when the given promises
// are complete.
// var promises = require('promise-group')
//, promise2).addCallback(...)
// = function() {
return new PromiseGroup(;
$args = array();
$select = "SELECT i.* , f.* ";
$where = sprintf("WHERE s.user_id = %d AND s.feed_id = f.feed_id AND f.feed_id = i.feed_id ", $user_id);
if(!is_null($feed) && $feed != "")
$where .= sprintf("AND f.feed_id = %d ", $feed);
-- tables in extreme pseudocode
-- saved_searches:
int search_id primary key
string search
-- saved_searches_helper:
int search_id foreign key saved_searches(search_id)
int term_id foreign key terms(term_id)
int term_count
+--- latest -> checkout-2
+--- checkout-1
| |
| +--- requestHandler.js
| \--- lib
| |
| +--- myLib.js
// in some global context. this is just a sketch, not intended to be deployed.
function watchModuleUrl(url, parent) {
var resolvedModule = resolveModulePath(request, parent);
var id = resolvedModule[0],
paths = resolvedModule[1];
findModulePath(url, paths, function (filename) {
if (!filename) return;
var sys = require('sys'),
http = require('http'),
url = require('url');
var subscriptions = {}
function getSubscribers (did) {
if (subscriptions[did]) {
// log open already.
return subscriptions[did];
smtpd.js is SMTP server written for node.js
MIT License
var tcp = require('tcp');
var sys = require('sys');