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# For overlaying two colorbars on the same figure
plt.rcParams['hatch.color'] = (1, 1, 1, .33)
plt.rcParams['hatch.linewidth'] = 8[1,2], [2,5], color='.1', label='first')[1,2], [3,4], hatch='/', alpha=.33, color='g', label='second')
blaylockbk /
Last active March 18, 2020 19:11
For a file name that begins with '~' or an environment varialbe, update the file name with the environment home directory.
## Simple method, just deal with the '~' notation for home
import os
FILE = "~/path/to/"
FILE = FILE.replace('~', os.environ['HOME'])
## More involved, but deals with other environment variables
blaylockbk /
Created February 5, 2020 21:12
Performs an operation when you have an operator as a string.
def str_operator(left, operator_str, right):
Performs an operation when you have an operator as a string.
An alternative method is to use the `eval()` function, if you aren't
worried about the security vulnerabilities.
Example, `eval('a + b')` where a=5 and b=6 will result in 11.
blaylockbk /
Created January 31, 2020 22:49
python function to extract the values around the border of an array
def border(array, corner=0, direction='cw'):
Extract the values arround the border of a 2d array.
Default settings start from top left corner and move clockwise.
Corners are only used once.
array : array_like
blaylockbk / datetime string
Last active March 26, 2021 20:54
Methods to format python datetime object as strings
from datetime import datetime
DATE = datetime(2019, 1, 1, 12, 35)
# The most common way, with formatters
d1 = DATE.strftime('%Y %b %d, %H:%M')
print('The date and time is %s' % d1)
blaylockbk / infer_interval_breaks
Created November 8, 2019 21:23
infer interval and create new x and y grid to plot data with pcolormesh without loosing the last row and column (code snipet from xarray/plot/utils)
def xr_infer_interval_breaks(coord, axis=0):
Code from xarray: (github/pydata/xarray/plot/utils)
Usage: if x is a 2d array of longitudes...
x = _infer_interval_breaks(x, axis=1)
x = _infer_interval_breaks(x, axis=0) # repeat for second axis
deltas = 0.5 * np.diff(coord, axis=axis)
first = np.take(coord, [0], axis=axis) - np.take(deltas, [0], axis=axis)
last = np.take(coord, [-1], axis=axis) + np.take(deltas, [-1], axis=axis)
blaylockbk /
Created August 30, 2019 17:31
View and download GOES data on AWS with s3fs
# Brian Blaylock
# Requres `s3fs`
# Website:
# In Anaconda, download via conda-forge.
import s3fs
# Use the anonymous credentials to access public data
fs = s3fs.S3FileSystem(anon=True)
blaylockbk /
Created February 15, 2019 15:52
numpy genfromtxt mixed numbers and strings encoding
# For a .csv file where there are mixed data types (column of floats, column of strings i.e. Dates)
# then if you set the encoding='UTF-8', the dates or column of strings will return as a string
# rather than a "bytes" type.
FILENAME = 'some_csv_file.csv'
data = np.genfromtxt(FILENAME, delimiter=',', names=True, dtype=None, encoding='UTF-8')
# Since names is set to True, the returned data can be accessed by header column name.
# If a column is labeled 'DATES', you can access the dates like you do a dictionary...
get_dates = data['DATES']
blaylockbk /
Created February 4, 2019 21:41
List of colors from a color map
import matplotlib
# Generate a list of colors
cmap ='Spectral')
# Retrieve 19 colors from the colormap
colors = cmap(np.arange(19)/19)
blaylockbk /
Created February 4, 2019 17:43
Print progress to show completion of a loop
# Print a progress bar for a loop completion
from time import sleep
F = range(10)
num = len(F)
for i in F:
sys.stdout.write('\r%.1f%% Complete (%s of %s)' % (i/num*100, i, num))