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bleis-tift bleis-tift

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CPS, CPS変換とは


let add x y = x + y;;
let mul x y = x * y;;

let f () =
  let a = add 1 2 in
[|(λv.λv2.v2) ((λv.v v) (λv.v v))|]
1. app2 -> λk1.[|λv.λv2.v2|] (λf1.[|(λv.v v) (λv.v v)|] (λa1.f1 a1 k1))
2. lam -> λk1.(λk2.k2 (λv.[|λv2.v2|])) (λf1.[|(λv.v v) (λv.v v)|] (λa1.f1 a1 k1))
3. lam -> λk1.(λk2.k2 (λv.(λk3.k3 (λv2.[|v2|])))) (λf1.[|(λv.v v) (λv.v v)|] (λa1.f1 a1 k1))
4. val -> λk1.(λk2.k2 (λv.(λk3.k3 (λv2.(λk4.k4 v2))))) (λf1.[|(λv.v v) (λv.v v)|] (λa1.f1 a1 k1))
5. app2 -> λk1.(λk2.k2 (λv.(λk3.k3 (λv2.(λk4.k4 v2))))) (λf1.(λk5.[|λv.v v|] (λf5.[|λv.v v|] (λa5.f5 a5 k5))) (λa1.f1 a1 k1))
6. lam -> λk1.(λk2.k2 (λv.(λk3.k3 (λv2.(λk4.k4 v2))))) (λf1.(λk5.(λk6.k6 (λv.[|v v|])) (λf5.[|λv.v v|] (λa5.f5 a5 k5))) (λa1.f1 a1 k1))
7. app2 -> λk1.(λk2.k2 (λv.(λk3.k3 (λv2.(λk4.k4 v2))))) (λf1.(λk5.(λk6.k6 (λv.(λk7.[|v|] (λf7.[|v|] (λa7.f7 a7 k7))))) (λf5.[|λv.v v|] (λa5.f5 a5 k5))) (λa1.f1 a1 k1))
8. val -> λk1.(λk2.k2 (λv.(λk3.k3 (λv2.(λk4.k4 v2))))) (λf1.(λk5.(λk6.k6 (λv.(λk7.(λk8.k8 v) (λf7.[|v|] (λa7.f7 a7 k7))))) (λf5.[|λv.v v|] (λa5.f5 a5 k5))) (λa1.f1 a1 k1))
9. val -> λk1.(λk2.k2 (λv.(λk3.k3 (
[| x       |] = λk.k x                              ・・・val
[| λx.t    |] = λk.k (λx.[|t|])                     ・・・lam
[| π t     |] = λk.[|t|] (λa.k (π a))               ・・・app1
[| t1 t2   |] = λk.[|t1|] (λf.[|t2|] (λa.f a k))    ・・・app2
[| π t1 t2 |] = λk.[|t1|] (λa.[|t2|] (λb.k (π a b)))・・・app3
[| Sx.t    |] = λk.[x↦λa.λk'.k' (k a)]([|t|] (λv.v))・・・shift
[| <t>     |] = λk.k ([|t|] (λv.v))                 ・・・reset

            [|<concat (Sk.λx.k x) (Sk.λx.k (i2s x))> "a" 10|]
[| x     |] = λk.k x                              ・・・val
[| λx.t  |] = λk.k (λx.[|t|])                     ・・・lam
[| π t   |] = λk.[|t|] (λa.k (π a))               ・・・app1
[| t1 t2 |] = λk.[|t1|] (λf.[|t2|] (λa.f a k))    ・・・app2
[| Sx.t  |] = λk.[x↦λa.λk'.k' (k a)]([|t|] (λv.v))・・・shift
[| <t>   |] = λk.k ([|t|] (λv.v))                 ・・・reset

変換対象: <add10 (Sx.x (x 100))>
type CommandInfo =
{ Names: string[]
Summary: string
Syntax: string
Help: string option }
type CommandWrapper(info: CommandInfo, proc: string -> unit) =
inherit Command()
override __.Names = info.Names
bleis-tift / git-start
Created February 13, 2012 09:15
空コミットを最初のコミットとして作るコマンド(git initの代わり)
msg=${1:-"first commit"}
git init
tree_hash=$(git write-tree)
commit_hash=$(echo -n "$msg" | git commit-tree $tree_hash)
echo $commit_hash > .git/refs/heads/master

Computation Expression Problems

1. The translation rule of do! e;

In the language specification, the translation rule of do! e; is defined as follows:

T(do! e;, V, C, q) = T(let! () = src(e) in b.Return(), V, C, q)

And the signature of Return is usually 'a -> M<'a>, so the type of do! e; results M<unit>.

//// シャドーイングの例
// これは無限ループ
let x = 0
while x < 10 do // ここでのxは常に最初のx
let x = x + 1 // 新しいxのスコープはwhileの本体のみで有効
printfn "%d" x
//// 再代入の例
bleis-tift / Program.fs
Created April 11, 2017 01:44
open System.Collections.Generic
type CollectionBuilder< 'TCollection, 'TElem, 'TRet when 'TCollection : (member Add : 'TElem -> 'TRet)> () =
[<DefaultValue>] val mutable xs : 'TCollection
member inline this.Yield(x: 'TElem) =
(^TCollection : (member Add : 'TElem -> 'TRet) (this.xs, x)) |> ignore
member inline this.Delay(f) = f
member inline this.Combine(_, rest) = rest ()
member inline this.Run(f) = f (); this.xs
member inline this.Zero() = ()
// 共通
type EmailAddress =
{ EAValue: string }
type SurfaceAddress =
{ SAValue: string }
type Customer =