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BBDD: 8D 28 C0 STA $C028 ; Flip ROM page to 0
FBE0: 4C 3D FC JMP $FC3D ; ROM page 0
FC3D: A9 40 LDA #$40
20 52 FC JSR $FC52
A0 C0 LDY #$C0
FC42: A9 0C LDA #$0C
20 52 FC JSR $FC52
AD 30 C0 LDA $C030
88 DEY
A0 9A LDY #$9A
B9 00 C0 LDA $C000,Y
BCA8: sta $C028 ; 4
nop ; 2 -
nop ; 2 -
nop ; 2 -
nop ; 2 -
rts ; 6 -
FCA8: nop ; 2 -
nop ; 2 -
nop ; 2 -
FCA8: 38 SEC ; 2
FCA9: 48 PHA ; 3
FCAA: E9 01 SBC #$01 ; 2
D0 FC BNE -4 ($FCAA) ; 3 (-1)
68 PLA ; 4
E9 01 SBC #$01 ; 2
D0 F6 BNE $FCA9 ; 3 (-1)
60 RTS ; 6
$C784: STA $C028
// Pseudo-code. May not compile or work
for (;;)
// Check for host data
uint16_t byteCount = CDC_Device_BytesReceived(&EETool_CDC_Interface);
byteCount = MIN(byteCount,BUFF_SIZE-1);
if (byteCount>BUFF_SIZE)
// Pseudo-code. May not compile or work
for (;;)
// Check for host data
uint16_t byteCount = CDC_Device_BytesReceived(&EETool_CDC_Interface);
byteCount = MIN(byteCount,BUFF_SIZE-1);
if (byteCount>BUFF_SIZE)
import sys, getopt, serial, binascii
class Mode:
NONE = 0
DUMP = 1
BURN = 2
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/wdt.h>
#include <avr/power.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <LUFA/Drivers/USB/USB.h>
#include "Descriptors.h"
#include "Macros.h"
// Pseudo-code. May not compile or work
for (;;)
// Check for host data
uint16_t byteCount = CDC_Device_BytesReceived(&EETool_CDC_Interface);
byteCount = MIN(byteCount,BUFF_SIZE-1);
if (byteCount>BUFF_SIZE)