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fluffy fox

+merlan #flirora bluebear94

fluffy fox
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bluebear94 / iterator.s
Last active July 14, 2024 18:32
While vs. iterator comparison for typst/typst#4544
.section ".text.typst::math::lr::<impl typst::math::LayoutMath for typst::foundations::content::Packed<typst::math::lr::LrElem>>::layout_math","ax",@progbits
.globl typst::math::lr::<impl typst::math::LayoutMath for typst::foundations::content::Packed<typst::math::lr::LrElem>>::layout_math
.p2align 4, 0x90
.type typst::math::lr::<impl typst::math::LayoutMath for typst::foundations::content::Packed<typst::math::lr::LrElem>>::layout_math,@function
typst::math::lr::<impl typst::math::LayoutMath for typst::foundations::content::Packed<typst::math::lr::LrElem>>::layout_math:
.cfi_personality 155, DW.ref.rust_eh_personality
.cfi_lsda 27, .Lexception3462
push rbp
bluebear94 /
Created August 11, 2020 03:04
Minecraft then and now
Then (August 2012) Now (August 2020)
The latest version of Minecraft is 1.3.1. The latest version of Minecraft is 1.16.1.
Terrain generation is boring. Terrain generation is slightly less boring.
The world is 256 blocks tall. The world is still 256 blocks tall.
You can spam click, as long as you don't care about durability. You can spam click, as long as you don't care about durability.
F3+H won't get you any numerical IDs. F3+H won't get you any numerical IDs.
We could never imagine Minecraft in the hands of Microsoft. We could never imagine Minecraft outside the hands of Microsoft.
There are two major modding APIs. There are two major modding APIs.
bluebear94 / stupid2.sed
Created March 12, 2020 01:23
Stupid shit II
1 Asagami Fujino
2 Okita Souji
3 Enkidu
4 Nagao Kagetora
5 Gray
6 Circe
7 Ryougi Shiki (Assassin)
8 Leonardo da Vinci
9 Ishtar (Rider)
10 Mashu Kyrielight
void TDRTestStage0::startBoss() {
tdr::EnemyHandle boss =
g->getEnemyList().createBoss(tdr::PV(416 - 32, 150), 24, 64);
boss.setTexcoords(agl::UIRect16{0, 0, 128, 128});
tdr::BossScene& scene = g->registerBossScene(boss);
/* .handler = */ [=, &scene]() {
1 Asagami Fujino
2 Enkidu
3 Okita Souji
4 Lanling Wang
5 Gray
6 Ryougi Shiki (Assassin)
7 Oda Nobunaga
8 Medusa (Lancer)
9 Bedivere
10 Chloe von Einzbern
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hŷn [# h 1: n #]
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