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Matthew Savage bluepichu

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import { Advent, f, fm, chr, ord } from "advent";
import { Set, Map } from "immutable";
const { compute, computeCheck } = await Advent({ day: 22 });
interface Face {
id: number;
x: number;
y: number;
top?: FaceAdj;
import { Advent, f, fm, chr, ord, arr } from "advent";
import { Set, Map } from "immutable";
const { compute, computeCheck } = await Advent({ day: 20 });
compute(2, async (input) => {
const data = input.parse( => x * 811589153);
let fwd = arr(data.length, (i) => i);
let bwd = arr(data.length, (i) => i);
import { Advent, f, fm, chr, ord } from "advent";
import { Set, Map, ValueObject } from "immutable";
const { compute, computeCheck } = await Advent({ day: 18 });
class Point implements ValueObject {
public constructor(
public x: number,
public y: number,
public z: number
import { Advent, f, fm, chr, ord, arr } from "advent";
import { Set, Map } from "immutable";
const { compute, computeCheck } = await Advent({ day: 16 });
compute(2, async (input) => {
const data = input.parse(`Valve ${fm.word().as("name")} .* rate=${"rate")}; .* valves? ${fm.str().as("tunnelsStr")}`));
let locs = Map( => [, { rate: x.rate, tunnels: x.tunnelsStr.split(", ") }]));
let paths = Map<string, Map<string, number>>();
import { Advent, f, fm, chr, ord } from "advent";
import { Set, Map } from "immutable";
const { compute, computeCheck } = await Advent({ day: 15 });
computeCheck(2, async function*(input) {
const data = input.parse(`Sensor at x=${"sx")}, y=${"sy")}: closest .* x=${"bx")}, y=${"by")}`));
// let endpoints: [number, boolean][] = [];
// const targetY = 2000000;
import { Advent, f, fm, chr, ord } from "advent";
import { Set, Map } from "immutable";
const { compute, computeCheck } = await Advent({ day: 14 });
compute(2, async (input) => {
const data = input.parse(" -> ", f.split(",",;
let ans = 0;
let used = Map<number, Set<number>>();
import { Advent, f, fm, chr, ord } from "advent";
import { Set, Map } from "immutable";
const { compute, computeCheck } = await Advent({ day: 13 });
// compute(1, async (input) => {
// const data = input.parse(f.nlnl(f.str()));
// let ans = 0;
// let i = 0;
import { Advent, f, fm, chr, ord, arr } from "advent";
import { Set, Map } from "immutable";
const { compute, computeCheck } = await Advent({ day: 11 });
interface Monkey {
items: number[];
op: string;
test: number;
trueTarget: number;
import { Advent, f, fm, chr, ord } from "advent";
import { Set, Map } from "immutable";
const { compute, computeCheck } = await Advent({ day: 8 });
compute(2, async (input) => {
const data = input.parse(f.dGrid());
let ans = 0;
import { Advent, f, fm, chr, ord } from "advent";
import { Set, Map } from "immutable";
const { compute, computeCheck } = await Advent({ day: 7 });
interface Dir {
parent?: Dir;
files: { [name: string]: number };
dirs: { [name: string]: Dir };