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class Array
# Converts [[k1,v1],[k2,v2]] into {k1 => v1, k2 => v2}
# The opposite of Hash#to_a
# Same as `Hash[ary.flatten]`
def to_h
inject({}) {|h,el| h[el[0]] = el[1]; h }
# Builds a gc patched ruby according to:
mkdir ${HOME}/rubygc
mkdir -p ${HOME}/src
# 1. Compile
echo "-- compiling ruby from source with gc patch --"
cd ${HOME}/src
bmarini / backup-sites
Created January 4, 2009 20:51
A quick and dirty website backup script
# a quick and dirty backup script.
# if you have a websites folder and some databases to backup
# this script might be a good starting point.
# this script assumes you have user named admin.
BACKUP_TIME=`date +%Y%m%d%H%I%S`
=== Epic Snow Leopard Upgrayyyyd Guide ===
More info here:
Son, you’re now living in the land of 64-bit systems.
That means that some of your 32-bit shit is now broken.
Not all is lost.
Example for .bashrc:
export LSCOLORS="exfxcxdxbxegedabagacad"
a black
b red
c green
d brown
e blue
f magenta
g cyan
sudo atsutil databases -remove
atsutil server -shutdown
atsutil server -ping
bmarini / average_time_of_day.rb
Created October 19, 2009 01:07
Solution to RPCFN #2
module AverageTimeOfDay
require 'date'
# Assumes times_of_day is an array of valid time strings in chronological
# order.
def average_time_of_day(times_of_day)
# Convert times_of_day to an array of Time objects, ensuring that times
# are in chronological order by adding a day if the the time of the
# current iteration is earlier than the last iterated time.
times = times_of_day.inject([]) do |times, time_of_day|
dt = DateTime.strptime(time_of_day, "%I:%M%p")
# This is a skeleton for a daemon process that behaves well in
# a unix environment.
# Fork a child process and exit the parent
exit(0) if Process.fork
# Trap the signal sent by the kill command
trap("SIGTERM") { Syslog.warning("I died"); exit(0) }
# Establish this process as a new session and process group leader,
module Rack
# Renders a valid robots.txt according to
# This is an example of over-engineering. But it's simple example of
# how you might test your middleware.
class RobotsTxt
def initialize(app)
@app = app
def call(env)
bmarini / closed-circuit.rb
Created November 1, 2009 23:16
Solution to RPCFN #3
require 'set'
class ClosedCircuit
Infinity = 1/0.0
def initialize(input, source, dest)
@graph = GraphParser.parse(input)
@source = source
@dest = dest