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Bryce Nyeggen bnyeggen

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bnyeggen /
Last active December 10, 2015 13:08
Unsafe-based sizeof
// A simpler method than reflection-based traversal, using Unsafe
public static Unsafe getUnsafe() {
Field f = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe");
return (Unsafe) f.get(null);
public static long sizeOf(Object o) {
Unsafe u = getUnsafe();
bnyeggen / bozo.clj
Created November 6, 2012 02:21
Rational bozo sort
(defn rational-bozo-sort
"Choose, compare & if necessary exchange random indices n times, using the
implicit ordering given by the lookup function"
[lookup s n]
(let [a (to-array s)
c (alength a)]
(dotimes [_ n]
(let [idx1 (rand-int c)
idx2 (rand-int idx1)
v1 (aget a idx1)
bnyeggen / fn_protocols.clj
Created September 21, 2012 15:28
Functions can implement protocols too
(defprotocol TwoPersonFn
(operate [this a b]))
(defn shorter? [a b])
(defn marry! [a b])
(defn same-age? [a b])
(extend-type (class shorter?) TwoPersonFn
(operate [this a b] (this a b)))
(extend-type (class marry!) TwoPersonFn
bnyeggen / qseq.clj
Created September 1, 2012 14:00
Blocking queues to lazy seqs and vice versa
(def ^:private poison (Object.))
(defn seq-to-qs
"Place each element of the lazy seq in each of the queues, and finally the
poison value."
[s & qs]
(doseq [e s q qs] (.put ^BlockingQueue q e))
(doseq [q qs] (.put ^BlockingQueue q poison)))
(defn lazy-q-seq
bnyeggen / distinctify.clj
Created August 31, 2012 13:17
Three ways of distinctifying a sequence and returning a vec
(defn unique-vec1
"Straight-up Clojure sequence traversal"
(vec (set s)))
(defn unique-vec2
"Conj into transient set and vectorize"
(loop [remaining s
seen (transient #{})]
bnyeggen / with-intern.clj
Created April 10, 2012 01:53
More interning with Clojure
(defmacro with-interns
"interns => [intern1 intern2...]
Evaluates body while making available many functions, bound to the
symbols in interns. Each fn, when called, returns a deduped reference to
its argument. The deduplication is with respect to any previously-called
arguments to that fn.
(with-interns [intern]
(into {}
(for [k (range 100000)]
bnyeggen / intern.clj
Created April 9, 2012 21:26
Interning with Clojure
(defn intern-map
(let [val-set (set (vals m))]
(into {}
(for [[k v] m]
{k (val-set v)}))))
(defn make-duped-hashmap []
(into {}
(for [k (range 10000000)]
bnyeggen / switch.clj
Created March 12, 2012 15:22
Switch values of two refs/atoms/agents
(defn switch-refs
"Must be called in transaction"
[a b]
(let [av @a bv @b
setter (fn [_ v] v)]
(commute a setter bv)
(commute b setter av)))
(defn switch!
"Blocks on both sequentially, nontransactional"
bnyeggen / flexigroup.clj
Created February 27, 2012 18:04
More flexible group-by
(defn flexigroup
"Like group-by, but allows arbitrary calculation of keys and values from
source coll, (for instance, to roll up distinct particular elements of a
vector by distinct other parts) and arbitrary combinations of old and new
vectors (for instance, to perform an efficient online count).
(flexigroup identity identity conj [] coll) == group-by
(flexigroup identity identity (fn [a b] (inc a)) 0) == online count
(flexigroup #(subvec % 0 1) #(subvec % 1) conj #{} coll) == all the
distinct rests of the vectors, grouped by the first element"
[key-f val-f combine-f init-v coll]
bnyeggen / load-csv.clj
Created December 29, 2011 14:36
Wrong and right way to parse a file in Clojure
;dummy.csv is of format "1,2,3\n4,5,6\n"
;fails since everything is lazy (but works if you do something that forces resolution)
(with-open [r (reader "file:///home/brycen/dummy.csv")]
(for [lines (read-csv r)]
(zipmap [:x :y :z] lines)))
;Doesn't close "properly" (but works most of the time)
(for [lines (read-csv (reader "file:///home/brycen/dummy.csv"))]
(zipmap [:x :y :z] lines))