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Simon Fish boardfish

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si@landion2 ~/p/w/A/ObservationFormLiveUpdates> rm /*
rm: cannot remove '/bin': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/boot': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/cdrom': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/dev': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/etc': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/home': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/initrd.img': Permission denied
rm: cannot remove '/initrd.img.old': Permission denied
rm: cannot remove '/lib': Is a directory

The Problem

University of Sheffield students don't have access to a culture of open source contribution in the outer community. HackSheffield, CompSoc, and the mainline Computer Science course itself do not make a focus of bringing developer skills to the outer community. Right now, the focus lies in teaching the fundamentals themselves, but bringing these to the wider community is something that I have personally found difficult, as have others. There's this vague statement of 'find a project that's got "help wanted" attached and get contributing', but there are so many questions surrounding that - the scale of the undertaking, whether one knows enough about the language to do what's required in the right way, and naturally, that daunting feeling of being so small in comparison to the scope of some projects and the faces behind them.

This is a problem I still have personally, and it is one that has been recognised by the society. It needs some power behind it to be tackled, however. I'd like to make

Risk Damage Resolution
People don't know about the events Lower head count - liaise with publicity team (Rob and Danny) to make sure necessary steps are taken to publicise events
People aren't interested in the events Lower head count - liaise with publicity team (Rob and Danny)
- See if funds are available for incentives (stickers, food)
People are daunted by contributing Lower head count, entire plan flops - contribution levels - projects within HackSheffield, student side projects, projects in the wider community
There aren't projects to contribute to Plan flops - liaise with HackSheffield to see what projects they'd encourage people to contribute on - use Hacklight to tag HackSheffield open source projects and create one central point for seeing what can be contributed on
HER="$(youtube-dl -f 43 --get-url"
HE="$(youtube-dl -f 43 --get-url"
ffmpeg -i $HER -t 00:00:19.40 -c:v copy -c:a copy her.webm
ffmpeg -i $HE -ss 00:01:43.52 -to 00:01:51.00 -c:v copy -c:a copy he.webm
(echo file 'he.webm' & echo file 'her.webm' )>list.txt
ffmpeg -safe 0 -f concat -i list.txt -c copy style.webm
require 'simpleidn'
class Team
def initialize(name)
@name = SimpleIDN.to_ascii(name)
def name(present_emoji = false)
return SimpleIDN.to_unicode(@name) if present_emoji
boardfish / lazy_load_controller.js
Created February 26, 2021 13:48
Controller for lazy-loading multiple Turbo frames from the same request
import { Controller } from "stimulus"
// Use this if you'd like to lazy-load multiple Turbo Frames from the same
// request. Make sure that your controller responds with a Turbo Stream, then
// add a div to your view like this:
// <div data-controller="lazy-load" data-lazy-load-path-value="<%= my_activities_path %>"></div>
// Then, when the page loads, the browser will send a GET request to the path
// you've set for data-lazy-load-path-value, and add the response to the DOM.
// If you only need to lazy-load one Turbo frame on the page, use the src
# frozen_string_literal: true
class ApplicationComponent < ViewComponent::Base
boardfish / index.html.erb
Last active February 3, 2022 16:49
Example of a basic table component
<p style="color: green"><%= notice %></p>
<div id="products">
<%= render do |c| %>
<% @products.each do |product| %>
<% c.row(product, RowComponent) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
boardfish / index.html.erb
Last active February 3, 2022 17:03
Basic <picture> component
<%= render do |c| %>
<% c.source(srcset: '', media: '(min-width: 800px)') %>
<% c.img(srcset: '', alt: 'Placeholder image') %>
<% end %>
<p>Find me in app/views/home/index.html.erb</p>
<%= render do |c| %>
<% c.button { render } %>
<% end %>