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bobonthenet /
Last active January 31, 2017 14:01
Script for looking at the last 10 posts made by DJT to see if their are duplicate comments made by different users accounts (hint: there are!)
virtualenv facebook
source facebook/bin/activate
pip install facebook-sdk
pip install requests
pip install termcolor
replace your access token in the code

The Beast

The beast's eyes reflected back the firelight as a vivid and raging glow only furthering it's demonic aspect. It's body was that of a wolf, but certainly this was no wolf for it spoke to me in the night, taunting, yet it would not approach the fire that kept it at bay.

"A man has little tinder left for his fire, I think it will not last the night." rumbled the low voice of the beast as it paced before the fire. "Come out of that cave for it is cold and dank where my belly is warm and your suffering will be no more."

I shivered for the beast was right, the fire was low and the beast drew nearer to the lip of the cave where I huddled against the cold, a dwindling pile of firewood lay at my side and I doubted if any would be left come daybreak. I doubted that I would remain come daybreak. Yet I kept my voice level as I taunted back at the beast.

"A beast has no blade and no shield and will meet it's end at the tip of my sword which served my father and his father before him against both beast and

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am bobonthenet on github.

  • I am bobonthenet ( on keybase.

  • I have a public key ASCRMw8oyReeCJ3Fi_tHF7uvs1BX3H1xQsrjr-9M-AP53Qo