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bolstad / disable-plugins-when-doing-local-dev.php
Created June 24, 2011 12:10 — forked from markjaquith/disable-plugins-when-doing-local-dev.php
Disables specified WordPress plugins when doing local development
Plugin Name: Disable plugins when doing local dev
Description: If the WP_LOCAL_DEV constant is true, disables plugins that you specify
Version: 0.1
License: GPL version 2 or any later version
Author: Mark Jaquith
Author URI:
bolstad / bulktimezone.php
Created March 27, 2012 11:47
bulk timezone changer for wordpress
echo "memory use: " . memory_get_usage() . "\n";
$configdir = __FILE__;
$configdir = preg_replace('|wp-content\/.*|','',$configdir);
$configdir .= 'wp-load.php';
echo "memory use: " . memory_get_usage() . "\n";
$configdir = __FILE__;
$configdir = preg_replace('|wp-content\/.*|','',$configdir);
$configdir .= 'wp-load.php';
bolstad / gearman on debian
Created April 19, 2012 16:24
setup gearman
apt-get install build-essential libboost1.42-dev libboost-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-thread-dev libevent-dev uuid-dev php-pear php5-dev
bolstad / wpv_filter_shortcode_start-bugfix
Created May 1, 2012 12:35
Bug in wpv_filter_shortcode_start() ?
Hi, I got this strange problem when displaying a View Template on an archive page, everything was working correct and I set Layout Style to 'Table' with 'Include field names in table headings' and I got a nice table with headings.
But the Sort function wasn't working! When clicking on the headings I was linked to one of the pages listed in the table, but with the sorting parameters added to it (
I digged trough the source of the page and found that the 'wpv-filter-form ' that handle the sorting had the action-parameter set to the random subpage, and not the current url of the archive page that I was visiting.
I search the wp-views source and and found this, wpv_filter_shortcode_start() - the function that create to form for the sorting, use get_permalink() to set the ACTION-attribute for the form. Since get_permalink() doesn't work well outside the loop and can't give a correct self r
bolstad / hip_has_children.php
Created May 14, 2012 10:18
Does the current page got any children?
if (!function_exists('hip_has_children'))
function hip_has_children($child_of = null)
// original code based on
$posttype = get_post_type($child_of);
if(is_null($child_of)) {
global $post;
$child_of = ($post->post_parent != '0') ? $post->post_parent : $post->ID;
bolstad / gist:4234224
Created December 7, 2012 16:02
extend wpv-if shortcode
add_filter('wpv-extra-condition-filters', 'wpv_add_time_functions');
function wpv_add_time_functions($value)
// is_get_param($_GET['parameter']) - returns true if parameter is set
if (preg_match('/is_get_param\((.*)\)/',$value,$matches))
$uriparameter = $matches[1];
if (isset ($_GET[$uriparameter]))
diff --git a/wp-content/plugins/wp-views/embedded/res/js/wpv-pagination-embedded.js b/wp-content/plugins/wp-views/embedded/res/js/wpv-pagination-embedded.js
index 374c5f8..ca3e616 100644
--- a/wp-content/plugins/wp-views/embedded/res/js/wpv-pagination-embedded.js
+++ b/wp-content/plugins/wp-views/embedded/res/js/wpv-pagination-embedded.js
@@ -183,6 +183,7 @@ function wpv_pagination_replace_view(view_number, page, ajax, effect, max_pages,
data = {};
data = add_url_query_parameters(data);
for (var prop in data['get_params']) {
+ prop = prop.replace("%5B%5D","");
if (!(jQuery('form[name=wpv-filter-' + view_number + '] > input[name=' + prop + ']').length > 0)) {
<?php $download=json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body(wp_remote_get('')));
foreach ($download as $comments){
foreach ($comments->data->children as $comment){
if($comment->data->body != null){
?><li><a href="<?php echo($comment->data->author)?>" target="_blank">
<?php echo html_entity_decode($comment->data->author); ?></a><br /><?php
echo html_entity_decode($comment->data->body); ?></li><br /><br /><ul><?php
foreach($comment->data->replies->data->children as $reply){
?><li><a href="<?php echo($reply->data->author)?>" target="_blank">