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bonyiii / gist:1471379
Last active April 20, 2023 15:01
restore overwritten files linux
Assess which partition on your computer you need to access to recover the files.
Unmount the directory using the "unmount" command in the interface. This will help prevent damaging the file you are trying to recover.
Type "debugfs" in the command line interface (all typing without quotation marks) and include the file system where the overwritten file is into the command. For example, typing "debugfs usr/personal" will bring up your personal directory. Hit "Enter" after typing the command.
bonyiii / gist:822123
Created February 11, 2011 09:24
PostgreSQL BEFORE INSERT trigger with function
# Function returns user.login, current year, the primary_key which is the id, in 5 length (Example: 00045)
string format
# to_char(5,'00000') results the same number format
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "public"."function_name" () RETURNS trigger AS
NEW.title = (SELECT login FROM users WHERE id = || to_char(NOW(),\'YYYY\') || lpad(, 5, \'0\');
bonyiii / gist:1247094
Created September 28, 2011 05:56
How to find and delete all hard links to a file
How to find and delete all hard links to a file
Deleting a file is deceptively simple. You can simply use the rm command like this.
$ rm file1
However, if the file has one or more hard links to it, life gets more interesting. You need to seek and destroy all hard links to the file.
bonyiii / gist:2158289
Created March 22, 2012 13:14
Rails ajax link_to remote with put, post
Key thing is to add form_authenticity_token to path param as a query_string
<%= link_to 'Reset', null_counter_model_path(model, :authenticity_token => form_authenticity_token), :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :put, :remote => true %>
bonyiii / gist:884681
Created March 24, 2011 06:57
How to create diff file for gentoo ebuild patch

An example to patch unixODBC-2.3.0 on a 64bit machine to work with oracle 8.

First download unixODBC source. mkdir /tmp/unixODBC/source

Create two new folder. mkdir /tmp/unixODBC/patch/original mkdir /tmp/unixODBC/patch/unixODBC-2.3.0/DriverManager/

cp /tmp/unixODBC/source/unixODBC-2.3.0/DriverManager/SQLConnect.c /tmp/unixODBC/patch/original

bonyiii / gist:1985562
Created March 6, 2012 10:21
How to make an activerecord model use a tempory table or view dynamically per query
# Creating view or temp table
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE users#{args.offset} SELECT * FROM users LIMIT #{limit} OFFSET #{(args.offset - 1) * limit}")
# or
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("CREATE VIEW users#{args.offset} AS SELECT * FROM users LIMIT #{limit} OFFSET #{(args.offset - 1) * limit}")
### Giving relation back, suitable for find_in_batches ='users2'
# This changes table name in FROM part of the query
bonyiii / gist:6184489
Created August 8, 2013 13:16
ruby multithread
Concurrent Programming and Threads in Ruby - a reading list
02 April 2013
Many rubyists consider threads in Ruby as somewhat of an arcane knowledge, though in reality they’re a very well researched and understood concept. Of course, writing effective multithreaded concurrent programs requires certain amount of knowledge and discipline from the programmer, but there’s nothing that a smart one can’t learn if he wants to.
To help with the task, awesome @brainopia compiled a list of recommended reading on the topic of concurrency and threads. All kudos go to @brainopia, and the original list in Russian as available as a gist here:
bonyiii / gist:1901621
Created February 24, 2012 15:24
mysqlreport explanation
Other great tool:
Hack MySQL ‹ mysqlreport ‹ Download ‹ Guide › Documentation
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bonyiii /
Last active January 11, 2017 15:34
Start Rails Application
docker run -it \
--name sapi \
-p 3000:3000 \
--security-opt seccomp:chrome.seccomp.json \
-v /home/boni/public_html/app/my-api/gems:/usr/local/bundle \
-v /home/boni/public_html/app/my-api:/var/www/my-api \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
-v $HOME/Downloads:/home/dev/Downloads \
-v $HOME/.config/google-chrome/:/home/dev/data \
set -e
case "$1" in
# ensure the right database adapter is active in the Gemfile.lock
if [ -z "$NO_BUNDLE" ]; then
# bundle install --without development test
bundle install
chown dev:dev $GEM_HOME -R