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CS 162 Assignment 5 at Oregon State University

CS 162 Assignment 5 at Oregon State University

Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
* list.c
* Created on: June 5, 2014
* Author: Jeffrey Borcean
#include "list.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
** Function: length
** Description: the number of elements in the list is counted
** Parameters: head
** Pre-Conditions: head exists
** Post-Conditions: the count is returned
int length(struct node *head)
struct node *iterator = head;
//iterator = head;
int count = 0;
while(iterator != NULL) //When not null then increment
{ //and set the pointer to the
count++; //next node
iterator = iterator->next;
return count;
** Function: push
** Description: adds new value to front of list
** Parameters: head_ref, new_val
** Pre-Conditions: n/a
** Post-Conditions: there now exists a new value at the front
void push(struct node **head_ref, int new_val)
struct node *temp;
temp = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); //allocate mem for the new node
temp->val = new_val; //then change the temp val to
temp->next = *head_ref; //the value of the new val
*head_ref = temp;
** Function: append
** Description: adds to end of linked list
** Parameters: head_ref, new_val
** Pre-Conditions: n/a
** Post-Conditions: value appended to linked list
void append(struct node **head_ref, int new_val)
struct node *temp = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
temp->val = new_val;
temp->next = NULL;
struct node *iterator = *head_ref;
if (iterator == NULL)
push(head_ref, new_val);
while (iterator != NULL)
if (iterator->next == NULL)
printf("%d\n", iterator->val);
iterator->next = temp;
iterator = iterator->next;
** Function: print
** Description: displays the linked list to the user's monitor
** Parameters: head, length
** Pre-Conditions: valid address of head, and int for length
** Post-Conditions: list is printed
void print(struct node *head, int length)
int i; //to be used as an index for num of nodes
struct node *iterator = head; //set the new node to the head
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) //print up until you are the length
printf("The value of node #%d is: %d\n", i, iterator->val);
iterator = iterator->next;
** Function: clear
** Description: deletes all items from the list
** Parameters: head
** Pre-Conditions: valid head address passed
** Post-Conditions: the list is freed from memory
void clear(struct node **head) {
struct node *following = NULL;
for(struct node *temp = *head; temp != NULL; temp = following)
following = temp->next; // start freeing the memory
free(temp); // go through and free for each
} // location in the memory of the list
(*head) = NULL;
** Function: delete
** Description: deletes an item from the list
** Parameters: head, node_val
** Pre-Conditions: valid head address passed
** Post-Conditions: the specified list item is freed from memory
void delete(struct node **head, int node_val){
struct node *node_now = *head;
int i;
i = 0;
while (i < node_val) // delete the value in the node
{ // free the memory for the current node
node_now = node_now->next;
** Function: sort_ascending
** Description: lowest to highest sorting of list
** Parameters: head
** Pre-Conditions: ints in linked list
** Post-Conditions: the numbers in the list are sorted
void sort_ascending(struct node **head) {
int hold; // temporary storage for value
struct node *temp = *head; //init for start address
struct node *following = temp->next;
while(following != NULL)
while (temp != following)
if (following->val <= temp->val)
hold = following->val; //If next then go to check if equal
following->val = temp->val; //place the hold into the value of the
temp->val = hold; //following, then go in for next node
} //repeat, and set the temp to head
temp = temp ->next;
following = following->next;
temp = *head;
** Function: sort_descending
** Description: greatest to least sorting of list
** Parameters: head
** Pre-Conditions: ints in linked list
** Post-Conditions: the numbers in the list are sorted
void sort_descending(struct node** head) {
struct node *temp = *head;
struct node *following = temp->next;
int hold;
while(following != NULL)
while (temp != following)
if (following->val > temp->val)
hold = following->val; //Same as above function with
following->val = temp->val; //the exception that the "<="
temp->val = hold; //has become a ">" to accomodate
} //for the other sort direction
temp = temp ->next;
following = following->next;
temp = *head;
struct node { int val; struct node *next; }; //Implemented in Lab #9 int length(struct node *); void push(struct node **, int); void print(struct node *, int); void append(struct node **, int); void clear(struct node **); void delete(struct node **, int); void sort_ascending(struct node **); //Assign 5 stuff void sort_descending(struct node **); //Assign 5 stuff
gcc -std=c99 list.c test_list.c -o linkedList
rm linkedList
#include "list.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main (){ char ans; int num; struct node *head = NULL; do { do { printf("Enter a number: "); scanf("%d", &num); push(&head, num);//Can change to append for back printf("Do you want another num (y or n): "); scanf("%1s",&ans); } while(ans == 'y'); printf("Sort ascending or descending (a or d)? "); scanf("%1s",&ans); if(ans == 'a') sort_ascending(&head); else if(ans == 'd') sort_descending(&head); print(head, length(head)); printf("Do you want to do this again (y or n)? "); scanf("%1s",&ans); if(ans == 'y') clear(&head); } while(ans == 'y'); return 0; }
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