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(function() {
var MyClass;
MyClass = (function() {
borekb / .editorconfig
Created November 18, 2015 23:57
Default .editorconfig
root = true
end_of_line = lf
charset = utf-8
insert_final_newline = true
indent_style = space
indent_size = 4
borekb / web.xml
Last active December 21, 2015 14:59
Přidání servletu do ukázkové aplikace BlazeDS, aby Flash Builder dokázal načíst podporované služby a metody. Upravit soubor <blazeds>\tomcat\webapps\samples\WEB-INF\web.xml (předpokládá BlazeDS Turnkey edici, ne čistý BlazeDS).
<!-- přidat do elementu web-app, např. za MessageBrokerServlet -->
borekb / versionpress.php
Created January 15, 2016 14:52
wpdb proxy using ProxyManager
global $wpdb;
$factory = new \ProxyManager\Factory\AccessInterceptorValueHolderFactory();
$backupFields = array();
$prefixInterceptor = function ($proxy, wpdb $instance, $method, $params) use (&$backupFields) {
$backupFields["last_error"] = $instance->last_error;
$backupFields["last_query"] = $instance->last_query;
borekb / simple-di.php
Created March 13, 2012 00:02
// třída, funkce, proměnná, prostě cokoliv, co poskytuje něco,
// co chce někdo jiný konzumovat
class Something {
function doWork() {
echo "some work...";
borekb /
Last active August 29, 2016 13:09
GitHub-style preview for Markdown Edit
borekb /
Last active November 28, 2016 22:44
Chrome MRU tabs extension

This has been sent to several freelancers on Fiverr.

I'm looking for an extension that provides MRU (most-recently-used) tab behavior in Chrome on Windows. This is generally hard to achieve as it's not supported natively but I think there's a trick: there's a CLUT extension that implements the MRU behavior ( and I can manually update the Preferences file to change the CLUT's default Alt+S shortcut to Ctrl+Tab. Then it works for a single session. The problem is that after I restart Chrome, the shortcut is back to Alt+S.

So the gig would be about creating an extension (or an extension plus a small Chrome app) that:

  • Expects CLUT to be installed
  • On every Chrome start, or shortly after that, searches the Preferences file for Alt+S and replaces it with Ctrl+Tab.

That's it. If I understand the security constraints correctly, this would need to be a pair of Chrome app that has the filesystem

borekb /
Last active August 20, 2017 09:31
Markdown backticks in headings example

- [Hello `make`](#hello-make)

## Hello `make`

borekb /
Created February 12, 2018 09:13
Script to merge repositories. Updated version of the original Gist
# Repo merge script used to merge OLD_REPO into TARGET_REPO.
# Based on
# How to use:
# 1. Create a temp directory
# 2. Checkout TARGET_REPO and OLD_REPO there
# 3. Put this script into the temp directory, side by side with the repos.
borekb /
Last active February 12, 2018 09:14
A script to merge repositories. Used in blog post (CZ) Updated version:
# Merges child repo into target repo. Maintains branches and tags, filters history.
# Based on this amazing article:
# Variables