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def index
if params[:tag]
@posts = Post.order('updated_at desc').page(params[:page]).per(10).tagged_with(params[:tag])
#@posts = Post.paginate(:per_page => 5 ,:page => params[:page],:order =>"updated_at DESC")
@posts = Post.order('updated_at desc').page(params[:page]).per(10)
respond_to do |format|
<message type="chat" to="886975310326@shareim" xmlns="jabber:client" from="886975310327@shareim/Mobile" id="9D23D097-DF32-47A6-803F-BED0FC6D1DA5"><body>TEST</body><request xmlns="urn:xmpp:receipts"/><bodyex xmlns="com:she:hamishare:bodyex" type="TEXT" dateTime="1363249212514"/></message>
<message type="chat" to="886975310326@shareim" xmlns="jabber:client" from="886975310327@shareim/Mobile" id="80AA5F53-9199-406F-AF1C-59CD907A79E8"><body>You SHOULD NOT see this string!</body><bodyex type="FREECALL" xmlns="com:she:hamishare:bodyex" callTime="00:00:00" dateTime="1363249237503" freeCallType="1"></bodyex></message>
- (BOOL)enterChatRoom:(NSString*)chatRoomJid{
[self quitChatRoom:nil];
XMPPJID *jid=[XMPPJID jidWithString:chatRoomJid];
_xmppRoom=[[HSXMPPRoom alloc] initWithRoomStorage:[XMPPRoomCoreDataStorage sharedInstance] jid:jid];
[_xmppRoom addDelegate:_xmppRoom delegateQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue()];
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="" xmlns:epub="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=768, height=1024" />
<video width="380" height="283" controls >
# This function will break up words for us.
def break_words(stuff)
words = stuff.split(' ')
return words
# Sorts the words.
def sort_words(words)
return words.sort
# This function will break up words for us.
def break_words(stuff)
words = stuff.split(' ')
return words
# Sorts the words.
def sort_words(words)
return words.sort
# print upper bound of square
# print middle part of square
# print bottom bound of square
"title" : "event_1",
"targetUrl": { "en" : "" ,
"zh_TW" : "" },
"banner1x": { "en" : "" ,
"zh_TW" : "" },
"banner2x": { "en" : "" ,
"zh_TW" : "" },
"banner3x": { "en" : "" ,
ld: warning: ignoring file /Users/boska/projects/SDK_TPNP/IOS Demo/iphone/P2Pdemo/libPPPP_API.a, missing required architecture i386 in file /Users/boska/projects/SDK_TPNP/IOS Demo/iphone/P2Pdemo/libPPPP_API.a (2 slices)
ld: warning: ignoring file /Users/boska/projects/SDK_TPNP/IOS Demo/iphone/P2Pdemo/libavcodec.a, file was built for archive which is not the architecture being linked (i386): /Users/boska/projects/SDK_TPNP/IOS Demo/iphone/P2Pdemo/libavcodec.a
ld: warning: ignoring file /Users/boska/projects/SDK_TPNP/IOS Demo/iphone/P2Pdemo/libavdevice.a, file was built for archive which is not the architecture being linked (i386): /Users/boska/projects/SDK_TPNP/IOS Demo/iphone/P2Pdemo/libavdevice.a
ld: warning: ignoring file /Users/boska/projects/SDK_TPNP/IOS Demo/iphone/P2Pdemo/libavfilter.a, file was built for archive which is not the architecture being linked (i386): /Users/boska/projects/SDK_TPNP/IOS Demo/iphone/P2Pdemo/libavfilter.a
ld: warning: ignoring file /Users/boska/projects/SDK_TPNP/IOS Dem