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John Willis botchagalupe

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botchagalupe / gist:716236
Created November 26, 2010 03:17
TSE Training Setup (Instructor Notes)

Class Setup on Ubuntu

Setup a Instructor Node on Ubuntu

ami-4a0df923 - Ubuntu 10.04 - 64 Bit - EBS Instance (t1.micro) ami-480df921 - Ubuntu 10.04 - 32 Bit - EBS Instance (m1.small)

ec2-run-instances ami-480df921 --instance-type m1.small --region us-east-1 --key botchagalupe -g default -g wordpress

iinst=knife ec2 server list | grep running | grep wordpress | awk '{print $2}'

botchagalupe / gist:721028
Created November 30, 2010 02:21
TSE Training Setup - Ubuntu (Student Notes)

Setup a Student Chef Client on Ubuntu

ssh ubuntu@<IP Supplied by the Instructor>  (password opstrain_0150)

mkdir -p ~/chef-repo/.chef

From your Client box copy your Key and config files

cp USERNAME.pem ~/chef-repo/.chef

cp ORGANIZATION-validator.pem ~/chef-repo/.chef

botchagalupe / gist:722604
Created November 30, 2010 23:08
Wordpress Demo

Setup a Single Server Wordpress Demo

Demo Part One (Download the Wordpress Cookbook)

knife cookbook site vendor wordpress -d

Demonstration the different parts of the cookbook.

metadata.rb - Show the dependencies and explain how the -d worked.

botchagalupe / gist:729636
Created December 6, 2010 00:23
TSE Training Setup MAC (Student Notes)

Mac users:

Install Xcode on your workstation

If you haven't already, install Xcode using your OS X install disc or by downloading it from here.

Install RubyGems 1.3.5+ on your workstation

First, check to see if your operating system already has RubyGems 1.3.5+ installed by running the following:

botchagalupe / report.rb
Created December 15, 2010 00:39 — forked from dje/report.rb
require 'rubygems'
require 'chef'
require 'fog'
require 'google_spreadsheet'
ec2 = => ENV["AWS_KEY"],
:aws_secret_access_key => ENV["AWS_SECRET"] )
botchagalupe / gist:744057
Created December 16, 2010 21:35

Demo Wordpress Stack


10.04 LTS Lucid -EBS boot - 32 - ami-a2f405cb supports - m1.small,c1.medium

10.04 LTS Lucid -EBS boot - 64 - ami-b8f405d1 supports - m1.large

10.04 LTS Lucid -EBS boot - 64 - ami-4a0df923 supports - t1.micro

botchagalupe / gist:788627
Created January 20, 2011 20:47
Knife Report1

This is an example report running from knife exec

This example uses google spreadsheets to store the results.

You will first need to install the google spreadsheet GEM

$ gem sources -a
$ sudo gem install google-spreadsheet-ruby

More information about this GEM can be found at

botchagalupe / gist:796787
Created January 26, 2011 15:02
Rundeck with Chef

Make sure the EC2 instance for the Rundeck server has ports 4440 and 4443

Get the JAR files from github

wget --no-check-certificate

Install Java

sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre 
botchagalupe / gist:801566
Created January 29, 2011 05:32
Hackday Setup

Setting up a hackday

Setup ubuntu pre-built clients for students that don't have a chef working "client" environment.

Create (n) instances for students -- These are prebuillt Chef client instances that have everything except the key

ec2-run-instances ami-5a31c133 --instance-type m1.small --region us-east-1 --key botchagalupe -g default -g wordpress -n 10

Create a list of instances and assign to students

botchagalupe / gist:802516
Created January 30, 2011 04:05
Hack Day NYC Go Project Notes
Application to build and deploy
Nodes <--- Tomcat??<--- dead<--- Goserver