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Created January 6, 2018 01:00
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An astronomy-themed SQL tutorial for the AAS231 Software Carpentry workshop
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"# To open this as a presentation\n",
"# jupyter nbconvert Interacting\\ with\\ SQL\\ databases.ipynb --to slides --post serve"
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"# Why use databases?"
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"# Types of Databases\n",
"<img src=\"\">"
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"### Relational\n",
"- Represent and store data in tables and rows.\n",
"- Use Structured Query Language (`SQL`), which is like a programming language for relational databases.\n",
"- Examples include `SQLite`, `MySQL`, `PostreSQL`, `T-SQL`.\n",
"### Non-relational\n",
"- Represent and store data as collections of documents, objects, key-value stores, or heirarchal data formats.\n",
"- Also known as \"NoSQL\" databases.\n",
"- Examples include `JSON`, `MongoDB`."
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"# SQL: Structured Query Language\n",
"- Programming language for storing, manipulating, and retreiving data stored in a relational database.\n",
"- All relational database management systems (e.g. `MySQL`, `SQLite`, `PostgreSQL`) use `SQL` as their standard database landuage.\n",
"- `SQL` can have different *dialects* that contain small, subtle differences (just like there are different *accents* in the english language). For example, a string-like data type in `MySQL` is defined as **`STRING`**, while in `SQLite` it is defined as **`TEXT`**. \n",
"- However, the vast majority of `SQL` is the same in all relational database management systems."
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"# What will we learn?\n",
"In this lesson, we will learn how to retreive astronomical data from a `SQLite` database.\n",
"- How to retrieve data from a database\n",
"- How to select a subset of the data\n",
"- How to sort a query's results\n",
"- How to combine data from multiple tables\n",
"We will first learn how to do this through the `SQLite` command line interface, then we will learn how to accomplish the same tasks using Python."
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"# The `hipparcos.db` Database\n",
"In this lesson, we will use with the `hipparcos.db` database, which stores data from the Extended Hipparcos Compilation (XHIP). \n",
"It contains:\n",
"- Spectral classificaitons\n",
"- Radial velocities\n",
"- Iron abundances\n",
"- Stellar classifications\n",
"- Stellar ages\n",
"- 2MASS photometry\n",
"The database can be downloaded from this URL:\n",
"More information about the Extended Hipparcos Compilation:\n",
"This database contains two tables, named `data` and `photometry`. The `data` table stores Astrometry, spectrography, space motions, and exoplanet indications. The `photometry` tables stores photometry information."
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"# Opening and Navigating the Database\n",
"To connect to the database, we can use the `sqlite3` command line interface:\n",
">>> sqlite3 hipparcos.db\n",
"SQLite version 3.13.0 2016-05-18 10:57:30\n",
"Enter \".help\" for usage hints.\n",
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"**Excercise 1:** Try connecting to the `hipparcos.db` database. Use the `.help` command to determine which command to use to list the names of tables of the database and run it."
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"sqlite> .tables\n",
"data photometry\n",
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"Instructor's notes:\n",
"- Mention how `SQLite` databases are simply files"
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"To make the output a bit more human-readable, let's run the following commands:\n",
".mode column\n",
".header on\n",
"In `sqlite`, we can list the columns of a table using the `PRAGMA table_info()` command:\n",
"sqlite> PRAGMA table_info(data);\n",
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"**Excercise 2:** List all of the columns in the `photometry` table. How many columns are there?"
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"PRAGMA table_info(photometry);\n",
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"Instructor's notes:\n",
"- `PRAGMA` is short for \"Pragmatics\", meaning dealing with language in context in which it is used.\n",
"- Specific to `SQLlite`\n",
"- Used to query the SQLite library for internal non-table data."
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"# Selecting everything from a table"
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"SELECT *\n",
"FROM <table_name>;\n",
"for example:\n",
"SELECT *\n",
"FROM data;\n",
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"Note that we can also limit the number of results returned:\n",
"SELECT *\n",
"FROM data\n",
"LIMIT 10;\n",
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"**Excercise 3:** Write a query that selects all columns from the `photometry` table and limits the results to 50 rows."
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"SELECT *\n",
"FROM photometry\n",
"LIMIT 50;\n",
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"Instructor's notes:\n",
"- Note that `SQL` is *case insenstive*, but data is case-sensitive\n",
"- Note that it is common practice to have SQL commands be uppercase"
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"# Filtering specific columns"
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"SELECT <column1_name>, <column2_name>, ..., <columnN_name>\n",
"FROM <table_name>;\n",
"for example:\n",
"FROM data;\n",
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"**Exercise 4**: Write a query that selects the Hipparcos Identifier, the Hipparcos magnitude, and the variability period from the `photometry` table. You may need to list the table's columns or refer to the documentation to check their column name."
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"SELECT HIP, Hpmag, Per\n",
"FROM photometry;\n",
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"# Filtering specific rows"
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"SELECT <column1_name>, <column2_name>, ..., <columnN_name>\n",
"FROM <table_name>\n",
"WHERE <column_name> <condition>;\n",
"for example:\n",
"FROM data\n",
"WHERE RV != 0;\n",
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"More conditions can be added to the query using the `AND` command. There is no limit to the number of conditions you can put on a query.\n",
"SELECT <column1_name>, <column2_name>, ..., <columnN_name>\n",
"FROM <table_name>\n",
"WHERE <column_name> <condition>\n",
"AND <column_name> <condition>\n",
"AND <column_name> <condition>;\n",
"for example:\n",
"FROM data\n",
"WHERE RV != 0\n",
"AND e_RV < 1;\n",
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"**Exercise 5:** Write a query that selects the Hipparcos indentifier, the Johnson B apparent magnitute, the Johnson V apparent magnitude, and the variability period. Only select sources whose variability period and B-magnitute are non-zero, and have a B-magnitude less than 10. "
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"SELECT HIP, Bmag, Vmag, Per\n",
"FROM photometry\n",
"WHERE Per != 0\n",
"AND Bmag != 0\n",
"AND Bmag < 10;\n",
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"# Sorting results"
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"SELECT <column1_name>, <column2_name>, ..., <columnN_name>\n",
"FROM <table_name>\n",
"WHERE <column_name> <condition>\n",
"AND <column_name> <condition>\n",
"AND <column_name> <condition>\n",
"ORDER BY <column_name>;\n",
"for example:\n",
"SELECT HIP, Bmag, Vmag, Per\n",
"FROM photometry\n",
"WHERE Per != 0\n",
"AND Bmag != 0\n",
"AND Bmag < 10\n",
"ORDER BY Vmag;\n",
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"**Exercise 6:** Write a query that selects the Hipparcos identifer, the Johnson B and V apparent magnitudes, and the variability period. Only select sources whose V-magnitude is greater than 11, and whose variability type is 'P'. Order the results by the variability period. "
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"SELECT HIP, Bmag, Vmag, Per\n",
"FROM photometry\n",
"WHERE Hvar = 'P'\n",
"AND Bmag > 11\n",
"ORDER BY Per;\n",
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"# Joining Tables"
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"<img src=\"\">\n",
"SELECT <column1_name>, <column2_name>, ..., <columnN_name>\n",
"FROM <table1_name>\n",
"JOIN <table2_name> ON <condition>;\n",
"for example:\n",
"SELECT data.HIP, pmRA, pmDE, Bmag, Vmag\n",
"FROM data\n",
"JOIN photometry ON data.HIP = photometry.HIP;\n",
"Note that `WHERE`, `AND`, and `ORDER BY` conditions can be applied to the query after the `JOIN`, for example:\n",
"SELECT data.HIP, pmRA, pmDE, Bmag, Vmag\n",
"FROM data\n",
"JOIN photometry ON data.HIP = photometry.HIP\n",
"WHERE Vmag > 11\n",
"AND Bmag > 11\n",
"ORDER BY Vmag;\n",
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"**Exercise 7:** Using `JOIN`, write a query that selects the Hipparcos identifier and the radial velocity from the `data` table, as well as the Johnson B and V apparent magnitudes from the `photometry` table. Only select sources whose radial velocity are greater than 0, and order the results by the Johnson B magnitude."
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"SELECT data.HIP, RV, Bmag, Vmag\n",
"FROM data\n",
"JOIN photometry ON data.HIP = photometry.HIP\n",
"WHERE RV > 0\n",
"ORDER BY Bmag;\n",
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"# Programming with Databases using Python"
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"We have now learned how to retreive, filter, and sort data from a `SQL` database using the `SQLite` command line interface. The same tasks can be performed in Python, using the `sqlite3` library.\n",
"import sqlite3\n",
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"To connect to the database, we can use the `sqlite3` `connect()` method:\n",
"connection = sqlite3.connect(\"/Users/bourque/Desktop/swc/hipparcos.db\")\n",
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"Next, we set up a `cursor` object, which will later allow us to execute `SQL` commands:\n",
"cursor = connection.cursor()\n",
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"Executing a database query is not as simple as passing the hard-coded query to the `cursor.execute()` command:\n",
"cursor.execute(\"<SQL COMMAND>;\")\n",
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"For example:\n",
"sql_command = \"\"\"\n",
" SELECT data.HIP, RV, Bmag, Vmag\n",
" FROM data\n",
" JOIN photometry ON data.HIP = photometry.HIP\n",
" WHERE RV > 0\n",
" ORDER BY Bmag\n",
" LIMIT 20;\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
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"To retreive the results of the query, we can use the `cursor.fetchall()` method. This returns a list of tuples, with each element in the list being a row of results:\n",
"results = cursor.fetchall()\n",
"for result in results:\n",
" print(result)\n",
"(30438, 20.299999237060547, -0.4560000002384186, -0.6200000047683716)\n",
"(30438, 20.299999237060547, -0.4560000002384186, -0.6200000047683716)\n",
"(30438, 20.299999237060547, -0.4560000002384186, -0.6200000047683716)\n",
"(30438, 20.299999237060547, -0.4560000002384186, -0.6200000047683716)\n",
"(53, 11.420000076293945, 0.0, 10.960000038146973)\n",
"(53, 11.420000076293945, 0.0, 10.960000038146973)\n",
"(3937, 6.0, 0.0, 12.010000228881836)\n",
"(3937, 6.0, 0.0, 12.010000228881836)\n",
"(4725, 57.0, 0.0, 11.800000190734863)\n",
"(4725, 57.0, 0.0, 11.800000190734863)\n",
"(6115, 130.0, 0.0, 11.630000114440918)\n",
"(6115, 130.0, 0.0, 11.630000114440918)\n",
"(8939, 24.0, 0.0, 12.369999885559082)\n",
"(8939, 24.0, 0.0, 12.369999885559082)\n",
"(11517, 9.0, 0.0, 11.850000381469727)\n",
"(11517, 9.0, 0.0, 11.850000381469727)\n",
"(12886, 28.0, 0.0, 10.800000190734863)\n",
"(12886, 28.0, 0.0, 10.800000190734863)\n",
"(14574, 11.800000190734863, 0.0, 11.720000267028809)\n",
"(14574, 11.800000190734863, 0.0, 11.720000267028809)\n",
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"With some unpacking, we can get lists of the results:\n",
"HIPs = [item[0] for item in results]\n",
"RVs = [item[1] for item in results]\n",
"Bmags = [item[2] for item in results]\n",
"Vmags = [item[3] for item in results]\n",
"[-0.6200000047683716, -0.6200000047683716, -0.6200000047683716, -0.6200000047683716, 10.960000038146973, 10.960000038146973, 12.010000228881836, 12.010000228881836, 11.800000190734863, 11.800000190734863, 11.630000114440918, 11.630000114440918, 12.369999885559082, 12.369999885559082, 11.850000381469727, 11.850000381469727, 10.800000190734863, 10.800000190734863, 11.720000267028809, 11.720000267028809]\n",
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"import sqlite3\n",
"connection = sqlite3.connect(\"/Users/bourque/Desktop/swc/hipparcos.db\")\n",
"cursor = connection.cursor()\n",
"sql_command = \"\"\"\n",
" SELECT data.HIP, RV, Bmag, Vmag\n",
" FROM data\n",
" JOIN photometry ON data.HIP = photometry.HIP\n",
" WHERE RV > 0\n",
" ORDER BY Bmag\n",
" LIMIT 20;\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
"results = cursor.fetchall()\n",
"HIPs = [item[0] for item in results]\n",
"RVs = [item[1] for item in results]\n",
"Bmags = [item[2] for item in results]\n",
"Vmags = [item[3] for item in results]\n",
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"**Exercise 8:**\n",
"1. Using `sqlite3` and python, query the database for `B-V` and Absolute V mag (i.e. `VAbsMag`) measurements.\n",
" - Select only sources that are have a Distance error (`e_Dist`) that is non-zero and less than 10. \n",
" - Also filter out non-zero `B-V` values\n",
" - *Hint: You will need to join the `data` and `photometry` tables.*\n",
" - *Hint: You will need to wrap 'B-V' in double-quotes in the `SELECT` statement to avoid errors caused by the minus-sign.*\n",
"2. Parse the results by creating a list that holds the `B-V` values and a list that holds the `VabsMag` values.\n",
"3. Plot the results using `pyplot` *(hint: It may be useful to invery the y-axis using `plt.ylim(plt.ylim()[::-1])`*"
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"import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
"connection = sqlite3.connect(\"/Users/bourque/Desktop/swc/hipparcos.db\")\n",
"cursor = connection.cursor()\n",
"sql_command = \"\"\"\n",
" SELECT `B-V`, VAbsMag\n",
" FROM data\n",
" JOIN photometry ON data.HIP = photometry.HIP\n",
" WHERE e_Dist != 0\n",
" AND e_Dist < 10\n",
" AND `B-V` !=0;\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
"results_all = cursor.fetchall()\n",
"BVs = [item[0] for item in results]\n",
"VAbsMags = [item[1] for item in results]\n",
"plt.plot(BVs, VAbsMags, '.', ms=4)\n",
"plt.xlabel('B-V [mag]')\n",
"plt.ylabel('Absolute V [mag]')\n",
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"<img src=\"cmd.png\">"
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"**(Bonus) Exercise 9:**\n",
"1. Execute the previous query, only this time add conditions to select only white dwarf stars (`\"B-V\" < 0.7`, `VAbsMag > 10`).\n",
"2. Overplot the white dwarf stars on the plot from Excercise 8 using a different marker color."
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"connection = sqlite3.connect(\"/Users/bourque/Desktop/swc/hipparcos.db\")\n",
"cursor = connection.cursor()\n",
"sql_command = \"\"\"\n",
" SELECT `B-V`, VAbsMag, pmRA, pmDE\n",
" FROM data\n",
" JOIN photometry ON data.HIP = photometry.HIP\n",
" WHERE e_Dist != 0\n",
" AND e_Dist < 10\n",
" AND `B-V` !=0\n",
" AND `B-V` < 0.7\n",
" AND VAbsMag > 10;\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
"results_wd = cursor.fetchall()\n",
"BVs_wd = [item[0] for item in results_wd]\n",
"VAbsMags_wd = [item[1] for item in results_wd]\n",
"plt.plot(BVs, VAbsMags, '.', ms=4)\n",
"plt.plot(BVs_wd, VAbsMags_wd, '.', ms=4, color='orange')\n",
"plt.xlabel('B-V [mag]')\n",
"plt.ylabel('Absolute V [mag]')\n",
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"<img src=\"cmd_wd.png\">"
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