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Keitaro Takeuchi boxp

in reality
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boxp / ldesu.clj
Created November 6, 2013 07:13
(reify Plugin
(get-name [this] "美容室で〜す^^")
(on-status [this status] nil)
(on-rt [this status] nil)
(on-unrt [this status] nil)
(on-fav [this source target status] nil)
(on-unfav [this source target status] nil)
(on-del [this status] nil)
(on-follow [this source user] nil)
(on-dm [this dm] nil)
boxp / growl.clj
Created November 11, 2013 00:11
(require '[gntp :as gp]
'[ :as io])
(let [growler (gp/make-growler "Grimoire")
notifier (if (try (.. @main-stage isShowing)
(catch Exception e nil))
(fn [& _] nil)
(growler :default {:icon (io/input-stream (io/resource "alice.png"))}))]
(reify Plugin
(get-name [this] nil)
boxp / yodobashi.clj
Created November 20, 2013 14:48
(reify Plugin
(get-name [this] nil)
(on-status [this status] nil)
(on-rt [this status] nil)
(on-unrt [this status] nil)
(on-fav [this source target status] nil)
(on-unfav [this source target status] nil)
(on-del [this status] nil)
(on-follow [this source user] nil)
(on-dm [this dm] nil)
import System.Random
chimpo :: String -> String
randomString :: String -> String
chimpo c = if take 4 c == "ABCDE"
then c ++ ("なんか終わりました" ++ (show (length c )))
else chimpo (randomString c)
randomString s = getStdRandom(randomR(0,4)) >>= \r -> case r of
boxp / little-region.clj
Created May 17, 2014 20:01
; リプ爆用関数
(defn little-region
例1:(little-region @twitters 'marisa' 'hello')
例2:(little-region (-> @twitters (dissoc :syanhai1))
boxp / cons_cell.c
Created May 19, 2014 14:18
typedef struct cell {
int car;
struct cell *cdr;
} _cell;
struct cell *cons(int car, struct cell *cdr) {
boxp / queue.c
Created June 2, 2014 01:14
#include <stdio.h>
#define QUEUESIZE 3000
struct Queue {
int buffer[QUEUESIZE];
int length;
int enqueue(struct Queue *queue, int data) {
boxp / stack.c
Created June 2, 2014 01:23
#include <stdio.h>
#define STACKSIZE 3000
struct Stack {
int buffer[STACKSIZE];
int length;
int push(struct Stack *stack, int data) {
boxp / bulletML_test.js
Created June 23, 2014 08:13
/* global vars */
const WIDTH = 320;
const HEIGHT = 480;
/* initial function */
window.onload = function () {
var game = new Game(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
boxp / yo.clj
Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
Yo for Grimoire
(import '( AudioClip))
(let [yo (AudioClip. "")]
(reify Plugin
(get-name [this] "Yo")
(on-status [this status]
(if (re-find #"yo|Yo|YO" (. status getText))
(. yo play)))
(on-reply [this status] nil)