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Bradley Priest bradleypriest

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bradleypriest / active_record.rb
Created March 22, 2012 20:01 — forked from jcf/active_record.rb
Backport pluck to Rails 3.0/3.1
# config/initializers/extensions/active_record.rb
module ActiveRecord
class Base
class << self
delegate :pluck, to: :scoped
class CollectionProxy
delegate :pluck, to: :scoped
bradleypriest / bound_helper.js
Created May 3, 2012 08:23 — forked from ghempton/bound_helper.js
Ember Bound Handlebars Helper Utility
// For reference:
var BoundHelperView = Ember._MetamorphView.extend({
context: null,
options: null,
property: null,
// paths of the property that are also observed
propertyPaths: [],
value: Ember.K,
bradleypriest / router.js
Created July 11, 2012 07:40 — forked from Neppord/router.js
How does the automatic find binding work?
App.Router = Em.Router.extend({
root: Em.Route.extend({
route: '/',
user: Em.Route.extend({
route: '/:user_id/',
connectOutlets: function (router, context) {
//What is context here?
// it's simple in the one segment case where
// its the return value of find on the model.
<script type="text/x-handlebars">
<button {{action loadBooks target="Welcome.booksController"}}>Load Books</button>
{{#collection contentBinding="Welcome.booksController" tagName="ul"}}
<b>{{view.content.title}}</b> - {{}}, <i>{{view.content.genre}}</i>