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Alexandre Legrix bragonznx

  • Bsonetwork
  • Paris
View GitHub Profile
dc1-ix3# sh version
Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software
TAC support:
Copyright (c) 2002-2014, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
The copyrights to certain works contained herein are owned by
other third parties and are used and distributed under license.
Some parts of this software are covered under the GNU Public
License. A copy of the license is available at
bragonznx / gist:4193e3a0c216c943a772
Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
Conf reseau d'une machine a ITX
Il faut configurer le serveur srv5540 sur le vlan renting 201
Les information issues de MBT nous indique qu'il est connecté sur les ports switch: FEX-141[18] et FEX-151[18] de la baie B01
Definition des Port channel ID et VPC ID:
- portchannel_id = vpc_id
- XX est déterminé par la baie:
A01 12
A02 13
A03 14
yum install python-setuptools
easy_install pip
pip install supervisor
echo_supervisord_conf > supervisord.conf
cp supervisord.conf /etc/supervisord.conf
mkdir /etc/supervisord.d/
vi /etc/supervisord.conf
[root@ns1 src]# ./run-parts-bragon --help
Usage: run-parts [OPTION]... DIRECTORY
--test print script names which would run, but don't run them.
--list print names of all valid files (can not be used with
-v, --verbose print script names before running them.
--report print script names if they produce output.
--reverse reverse execution order of scripts.
--exit-on-error exit as soon as a script returns with a non-zero exit
15:51 < pyr> bragon: found the bug
15:52 < bragon> \o/
15:53 -!- jerius [] has joined #collectd
16:00 < bragon> pyr: can you explain it to me ?
16:00 < pyr> hold on, committing the fix :)
16:00 < pyr> turns out we have very stable snmp devices, since I never ran into this :!
16:01 -!- mgedmin [~mg@Maemo/community/contributor/mgedmin] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:03 -!- mgedmin [~mg@Maemo/community/contributor/mgedmin] has joined #collectd
16:06 < pyr> bragon:
16:06 < pyr> mfournier: so how do you handle backporting ?
Oui coupure générale sur le site.
Le dernier update est :
A service affecting power failure in Nanterre, France is being
investigated. The European NOC has advised that an Uninterruptible
Power Supply (UPS) at the affected colocation failed to switch the
site power to a generator when an issue occurred with the HV power
onsite. The site is now running on battery power with approximately 4
CREATE KEYSPACE metric WITH replication = {
'class': 'SimpleStrategy',
'replication_factor': '2'
USE metric;
period int,
rollup int,
c1-10-1-9-20 ~ # eix dev-lang/ruby
* dev-lang/ruby
Available versions:
(1.9) 1.9.3_p484 1.9.3_p547
(2.0) 2.0.0_p353 2.0.0_p481 ~2.0.0_p576
(2.1) ~2.1.2 ~2.1.3
{berkdb debug doc examples gdbm ipv6 ncurses +rdoc +readline rubytests socks5 ssl tk xemacs +yaml}
Description: An object-oriented scripting language
[ ~] # diff -u types.db.origin types.db
--- types.db.origin 2014-09-22 17:11:10.314753189 +0200
+++ types.db 2014-09-22 17:12:23.211285271 +0200
@@ -105,6 +105,13 @@
mysql_locks value:DERIVE:0:U
mysql_log_position value:DERIVE:0:U
mysql_octets rx:DERIVE:0:U, tx:DERIVE:0:U
+mysql_bpool_pages value:GAUGE:0:U
+mysql_bpool_counters value:DERIVE:0:U
+mysql_innodb_data value:DERIVE:0:U