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Brandon Pittman brandonpittman

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brandonpittman / index_spec.rb
Created May 18, 2014 14:05
middleman index spec
require "spec_helper"
describe "index", :type => :feature do
before do
visit "/"
it "has the correct title header" do
page.should have_selector "h1"
within "h1" do
brandonpittman / middleman_spec_helper.rb
Created May 18, 2014 14:05
middleman spec helper
require "middleman"
require 'rspec'
require 'capybara/rspec' = Middleman::Application.server.inst do
set :root, File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..'))
set :environment, :development
set :show_exceptions, false
vicramon / projections
Last active May 26, 2016 09:58
CoffeeScript Vim Projections for Ember JS
"app/assets/javascripts/": {
"command": "jini"
"app/controllers/api/v1/*_controller.rb": {
"command": "apicontroller",
"alternate": "spec/controllers/api/v1/%s_controller_spec.rb",
"template": "class Api::V1::%SController < ApplicationController\n respond_to :json\nend"
"app/assets/javascripts/models/*": {
jorgebucaran / index.html
Last active July 14, 2020 06:37
Getting started with Hyperapp
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<script type="module">
import { h, text, app } from ""
init: () => 0,
view: state =>
h("main", {}, [
kbussell / ctrlTap.lua
Last active February 13, 2021 17:46
Send escape key if the ctrl key is tapped. (Used along side remapping my Caps Lock key to ctrl) Thanks to @asmagill 's examples for a starting point.
local alert = require("hs.alert")
local timer = require("hs.timer")
local eventtap = require("hs.eventtap")
local events = eventtap.event.types
local module = {}
-- timeout for ctrol key
module.timeFrame = .25
derickfay / MergeAllFinderWindows
Last active February 18, 2021 01:39
Merge all Finder windows - uses UI Applescript to execute the Finder menu command. There's a more error-proof version (not mine) in an Alfred workflow here:
tell application "System Events"
click menu item "Merge All Windows" of menu "Window" of menu bar item "Window" of menu bar 1 of application process "Finder" of application "System Events"
end tell
nickawalsh / icons.sass
Last active October 7, 2021 09:38
Auto Hi-res Sprites
@import compass
$icons: sprite-map("icons/*.png")
$icons-hd: sprite-map("icons-hd/*.png")
background: $icons
display: inline-block
@media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), (min-resolution: 144dpi)
background: $icons-hd
binoclard /
Last active November 15, 2021 22:19
Fresh Statamic install, with Tailwind CSS and PurgeCSS configured

Fresh Statamic install, with Tailwind CSS and PurgeCSS configured

In 5 minutes, you’ll have a brand new clean Statamic site, with Tailwind CSS and PurgeCSS configured.

It assumes that you work on a Mac, you put your site in ~/sites and you use Laravel Valet.

All the credit go to Jack McDade and philipboomy, from whom I stole and adapt the build scripts and the PurgeCSS config, because I have really absolutely no idea what I am doing with all this Terminal Black Magic ™; this is only a detailed write up of the process.

You'll need Yarn and Node. You can install them both in one command via Brew: brew install yarn

// root.tsx
import { getUserSession, requireUser, logout } from "~/session";
export function loader({ request }) {
// use case: know if the user is logged in, no redirect to /login
let userSession = await getUserSession(request);
let isAuthenticated = userSession.has("userId");
return { isAuthenticated };