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Helping companies market and sell more software

Brian Doll briandoll

Helping companies market and sell more software
View GitHub Profile
public void testSnappyHappy() {
Map snappy = null;
Map happy = new HashMap();
snappy = addToMap(snappy, "foo", "bar");
happy = addToMap(happy, "foo", "bar");
# From Alex Chaffee
# Add caller line number to sql logging
module ActiveRecord
module ConnectionAdapters
class AbstractAdapter
def log_info(sql, name, ms)
if @logger && @logger.debug?
c = caller.detect{|line| line !~ /(activerecord|active_support|__DELEGATION__)/i}
c.gsub!("#{File.expand_path(File.dirname(RAILS_ROOT))}/", '') if defined?(RAILS_ROOT)
class Test::Unit::TestCase
def assert_each(assertions)
error_messages = ""
assertions.each do |assertion, message, *variables|
template = message.nil? ? "<?> is not true." : message
if variables.empty?
msg = build_message(nil, template, assertion)
msg = build_message(nil, template, *variables)
The interesting world of the asterisk in Ruby:
Of course we can multiply with it and it's quite handy in a regex, but there are two other interesting uses.
First, variable arguments in the method signature:
def hmm(*args)
first, *rest = *args
puts first.inspect
puts rest.inspect
# Posting XML using net/http in ruby
# This request will hang until it times out (defaulting to 60 seconds)
response, data = Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port) do |h|, some_xml)
# This works as expected
# Ever forget the hostname of that server you logged into last week?
# Quickly get a chronological listing of hosts you've come to know...
require 'rubygems'
require 'net/ssh'
def who_do_i_know?
who = []
known_host_files = Net::SSH::KnownHosts.hostfiles({})
scanner ="")
# within your vhost...
RewriteEngine On
# create a variable called 'ps' which stores the original scheme
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} =on
RewriteRule ^(.+)$ - [env=ps:https]
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
RewriteRule ^(.+)$ - [env=ps:http]
# if the hostname (in this case, including the subdomain) does not match our desired hostname
# is this not already provided somewhere?
# even_distribution?([50,49,53]) => true
# even_distribution?(50,33,70]) => false
def even_distribution?(array, slack = 0.1)
exact_distribution = 1 / array.size.to_f
slack_val = exact_distribution * slack
ceil = exact_distribution + slack_val
floor = exact_distribution - slack_val
total = array.reduce{ |v,t| v + t }.to_f
array.each do |element|
# domainavailable
# Fast, domain name checker to use from the shell
# Use globs for real fun:
# domainavailable blah{1..3}.{com,net,org,}
# Inspired by foca / giles:
trap 'exit 1' INT TERM EXIT
# From
The resulting factorial of 4,000! is 12,674 digits long.
The result also contains 999 trailing zeroes (which constitutes to 7.88% of the whole number)