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-- Class EnemyHorde
-- Speed Shooting Earth
-- A freesource game project using Codea and Google Maps
-- More games:
-- by @juaxix
-- 6/6/2012
briarfox / 1aTabOrder
Last active December 17, 2015 01:08
AutoGist Release v2.2.8 -AutoGist your Codea projects!
AutoGist Tab Order Version: 2.2.8
This file should not be included in the Codea project.
briarfox / Main.lua
Last active December 17, 2015 05:59
AutoGist Installer
--AutoGist Single Install
--Installer created by @acp edited by @Briarfox
--- This will pull the AutoGist project into Codea for you
-- Instructions:
-- * Create a new project in Codea named AutoGist If you chose another name please change the variable Below
--This is case sensitive
ProjectName = "AutoGist" --Do not change this or else AutoGist will not work
-- * Paste this into the Main (not from the raw view, as iSafari will escape special characters)
-- * Run, run again,
briarfox / Clock.lua
Created May 14, 2013 18:05
StatusBar Release v1.00 -Simple bar that shows fps, time and memory
--Original Code from Jvm38
Clock = class()
function Clock:init(x,y)
-- you can accept and set parameters here
-- you can accept and set parameters here
self.x = x
briarfox / Main.lua
Last active December 17, 2015 08:09
StatusBar AutoInstall
--StatusBar Single Install
--Installer created by @Briarfox
--- This will pull the StatusBar project into Codea for you
-- Instructions:
-- * Create a new project in Codea named test If you chose another name please change the variable Below
--This is case sensitive
ProjectName = "StatusBar"
-- * Paste this into the Main (not from the raw view, as iSafari will escape special characters)
-- * Make sure there is a single tab in the project
briarfox / Main.lua
Last active January 14, 2016 22:48
AutoGist AutoInstall
--AutoGist Single Install
--Installer created by @Briarfox
--- This will pull the AutoGist project into Codea for you
-- Instructions:
-- * Create a new project in Codea named AutoGist.
--This is case sensitive
ProjectName = "AutoGist"
-- * Paste this into the Main (not from the raw view, as iSafari will escape special characters)
-- * Make sure there is a single tab in the project
-- * Run and wait for success!
briarfox / 1aTabOrder
Created June 12, 2013 22:00
Matrix Release v1.0.0 -Matrix Demos
Matrix Tab Order
This file should not be included in the Codea project.
briarfox / Main.lua
Created June 12, 2013 22:00
Matrix AutoInstall
--Matrix Single Install
--Installer created by @Briarfox
--- This will pull the Matrix project into Codea for you
-- Instructions:
-- * Create a new project in Codea named Matrix If you chose another name please change the variable Below
--This is case sensitive
ProjectName = "Matrix"
-- * Paste this into the Main (not from the raw view, as iSafari will escape special characters)
-- * Make sure there is a single tab in the project
briarfox / Main.lua
Created June 17, 2013 20:43
Noob Lander AutoInstall
--Noob Lander Single Install
--Installer created by @Briarfox
--- This will pull the Noob Lander project into Codea for you
-- Instructions:
-- * Create a new project in Codea named Noob Lander If you chose another name please change the variable Below
--This is case sensitive
ProjectName = "Noob Lander"
-- * Paste this into the Main (not from the raw view, as iSafari will escape special characters)
-- * Make sure there is a single tab in the project
briarfox / 1aTabOrder
Created June 19, 2013 18:40
Particular Particles Release v2.1.9 -Particle Effects Editor.
Particular Particles Tab Order Version: 2.1.9
This file should not be included in the Codea project.