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Raymond Brigleb brigleb

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brigleb / example-rule.scss
Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
An example of using a basic breakpoint mixin...
body.single-peopleandplaces {
.wrap .photo {
height: ( $photoheight / 2 );
width: 100%;
@include bp(medium) {
height: ( $photoheight * .75 );
width: ( 100% / 2 );
@include bp(large) {
height: $photoheight;
brigleb /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
Developer Goals at Needmore

One of the most important concepts to understand at Needmore is Kaizen. This means continual improvement. Apply this to everything you see below. The following are just guidelines, part of your job is to keep improving, getting better, refining the process, learning, and teaching.

Your goal as a member of the Needmore team is to feel empowered to make sure that you continue to improve, and we do as well. We don't expect you to do something just because it's written here, we expect you to do it better. Learn how to improve the process to end up with a better result, with less mistakes, with less problems. Don't keep doing something a certain way because that's the way we've been doing it.

There are six key aspects to being a successful, productive part of development at Needmore.


Get comfortable using Trello for development and issue tracking. Make sure you use it in a way you can keep the whole team in the loop at all times. Remember to notify the project manager when making changes tha

brigleb /
Created September 8, 2014 16:35
Our Favorite Website Building Resources

For WordPress

  • Underscores theme
  • JetPack plugin

For Front-end Theming

brigleb /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
How to deploy a special-purpose git branch with Grunt assets

Our goal is to have a special branch (one or more) matching a production environment. Using a service like Beanstalk, you want to be able to push to one of those branches, and have it end up at the server with compiled Sass, JavaScript, image, and other assets. You're unable to run your tools on the server, but you want to keep your repository free from these messy compiled assets.

Let's assume we're using a kind of Gitflow methodology, and that our branch for deployment will be called staging.

You have been doing your work on the develop branch... or wherever...

1. Check out your branch.

git checkout staging

brigleb /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
Designing WooCommerce Storefront on a Mac, Made Easy!

Set up VVV

Start with these instructions and you should have a site running. You want to use the WordPress Stable setup...

All WordPress admin usernames and passwords for WordPress installations included by default are admin and password.

  • WordPress user: admin
  • WordPress pass: password
  • LOCAL PATH: vagrant-local/www/wordpress-default
  • VM PATH: /srv/www/wordpress-default
  • URL:
brigleb / vvf-blueprints.json
Created December 16, 2014 19:31
vv-blueprints for woocommerce work at needmore
"sample": {
"themes": [
"mu_plugins": [
"plugins": [
brigleb /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
Reading suggestions and Developer Resources

I have some reading for you guys.

  1. Be sure you get SSH and the keys.
  2. We will at points in our lives be using pull requests more/again. Read chapter 10 of Git in Practice, that book we just got and is sitting out here. It covers PR's and how to use them from the command line.
  3. Read up on tmux sometime, I think it would save us all a lot of time.
  4. In time, I am hoping we can move more toward Bourbon, Neat, and Bitters. Please look into those. Thoughtbot are really bright people. Trust me on that one.
  5. Remember that we also have an excellent Grunt book. I'd like us to improve our use of Grunt in our workflow, and add our best version to our fork of Underscores. (see for ideas)

Helpful developer resources

brigleb / Gruntfile.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
Gruntfile for the Sass-based Underscores WordPress theme - work in progress.
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// Project configuration.
pkgc: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
// Watch files that may change and should trigger updates
watch: {
sass: {
files: ['sass/*.{scss,sass}', 'sass/**/*.scss'],
brigleb /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
Grunt Plugins

Of course you need grunt to start with. And then...


  • grunt-contrib-watch
  • grunt-contrib-uglify
  • grunt-contrib-imagemin
  • grunt-contrib-sass (or use faster/better grunt-sass?)
  • grunt-contrib/jshint
  • grunt-autoprefixer
brigleb /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
Designer Goals at Needmore
  • Be an expert on web technologies involving images, typography, and layout.
  • Understand the goals and concept of a design.
  • Make a sitemap and wireframes that
    • look professional
    • answer the goals of the project and needs of the client
  • Mock up the website in Sketch or Photoshop,
    • Organizing and naming the layers intelligently
    • Using symbols and styles wherever possible
    • Build the style guide alongside the mockups
  • Hand off all required assets for production, including