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Bruno Saxoni brinxmat

View GitHub Profile
@prefix : <> .
@prefix ex: <> .
:n1010 a ex:Negative .
:e1021 a ex:Print ;
ex:printOf :n1010 .
#! /usr/bin/env bash
#debugging on
set -x
# Output "device discovery" information on stdout:
if test "$#" = "0"
then echo 'network barcoder "Unknown" "barcoder"'
exit 0
function doThis() {
var barcodes = document.body.innerText.match(/\b[0-9]{14}\b/g);
if (barcodes !== null) {
var printWindow ="");
var doc = printWindow.document;
function callback() {

#Linked data library management system

##Executive overview


  • Fully featured LMS/ILS functionality
  • High-performance, attractive interfaces that work on all platforms
  • Simple, reliable system management
  • Development ecosystem
#Development process title
##Basic set-up
- [git up (pyGitUp)](
- [git flow (avh-edition)](

Libraries in Østfold Kommune

Vendors were provided with a set of questions to which libraries in Østfold kommune wanted answers. I'm trying to answer them here.

What does the library system of the future look like?

To answer this question, we need to ask what do a library systems try to achieve today? Library systems facilitate the aims of the library; most libraries agree that these include:

  • providing access to materials to patrons
  • helping patrons to find materials they are looking for
# A naïve ontological approach to expressing psychological experience of colour
# This tweet [] set me about thinking how RDF can be used to express information that is culturally loaded
# What I am trying to say/saying here is:
# The sky was experienced at time "now" as blue (within a culture-specific understanding of "blue") by a person from a specific culture
# Note:
# 1) this approach could express other experiences, but perhaps not all
@prefix : <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
# Catalogue card hole dimension and placement
:holeDimension a rdfs:Property
rdfs:range xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
rdfs:domain rdfs:Class . # Apparently, anything can have a hole
public boolean equals(##
#if ($settings.generateFinalParameters)
final ##
Object $paramName){
return ##
#set($i = 0)