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set -xg GOROOT /usr/local/go $GOROOT
set -xg GOPATH $HOME/Develop
set -xg PATH /usr/local/go/bin $GOPATH/bin $PATH
# RFC 2822 - style email validation for Python
# (c) 2012 Syrus Akbary <>
# Extended from (c) 2011 Noel Bush <>
# for support of mx and user check
# This code is made available to you under the GNU LGPL v3.
# This module provides a single method, valid_email_address(),
# which returns True or False to indicate whether a given address
# is valid according to the 'addr-spec' part of the specification
# given in RFC 2822. Ideally, we would like to find this
Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Bryant Moscon -
Please see the LICENSE file for the terms and conditions
associated with this software.
import logging
import itertools
from datetime import datetime as dt, timezone as tz
from yapic import json
brizzbane /
Last active February 15, 2021 03:18
Deadsnakes python 3.8 on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Deadsnakes python 3.8.6 on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

The deadsnakes PPA make the latest stable versions of python available on LTS distributions. I now find it preferable to installing from source, whether from download or using pyenv.

The following was tested on a Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS desktop with python 2.7.15 and 3.6.9 as the shipping system python versions. The pip3 binary was install using the stock python3-pip package, updated with pip3 install --upgrade pip.

One of the key reasons this works for me is that I've been aggressive about individually virtualizing project environments with venv.

First, add the deadsnakes PPA to apt: