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Sometimes it takes us days to come up with the right name for a function. But usually one knows when it’s right. It somehow just fits. And one can immediately remember it.
In Mathematica 6, a typical case of function naming was Manipulate.
It took quite a while to come up with that name.
We created this great function. But what should it be called? Interface? Activate? Dynamic? Live?
Interface might seem good, because, after all, it creates an interface. But it’s a particular kind of interface, not a generic one.
Activate might be good, because it makes things active. But again it’s too generic.
Dynamic: again it sounds too general, and also a bit too technical. And anyway we wanted to use that name for something else.
Live… that’s a very confusing word. It’s even hard to parse when one reads it. Does it say “make it alive”, or “here’s something that is alive”, or what?
Well, after a while one realizes that one has to understand with more clarity just what it is that this great new function is doing.

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