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brosner / gist:1107302
Created July 26, 2011 17:35
OS X Setup

My OS X Setup

I recently bought a Macbook Air 1.8 GHz i7 with OS X 10.7. I decided to document the exact apps I've installed for my personal use and for others to see what I use.

This list is never complete. It will continue to evolve as I installed stuff for myself and find stuff over time. Recommendations welcome :-)


Installing Multicore Solr 1.3.0 / Tomcat 6.0.X on Ubuntu 8.10
Install OpenJDK (comes from universe)::
aptitude install openjdk-6-jre
Download Tomcat 6.X and move it in place::
All curl downloads occurred in ~/Sources.
Get PIL::
curl -O
tar zxvf Imaging-1.1.6.tar.gz
cd Imaging-1.1.6
python build
Notice once the build has finished you will see the following::
brosner /
Created August 5, 2009 21:55 — forked from fiee/
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
fabfile for Django
modified for fabric 0.9/1.0 by Hraban (fiëé visuëlle)
This fabric file makes setting up and deploying a django application much
We couldn’t find that file to show.
For the Birds -
Code monkeys -
Freelancer -
Sword of Truth -
wwswd -
East meets West -
crunkd -
Ra -
arctangent -
Slugs -
Setting up Django using Apache/mod_wsgi on Ubuntu 8.10
This article will cover setting up Django using Apache/mod_wsgi on Ubuntu
8.10. The article is targeted at a production environment, but keep in mind
this is a more generalized environment. You may have different requirements,
but this article should at least provide the stepping stones.
The article will use distribution packages where nesscary. As of 8.10 the
# install pinax 0.7beta2 on ubuntu 9.04
sudo aptitude install python-setuptools
sudo aptitude install python-imaging
tar zxvf pinax-0.7beta2.tar.gz
python pinax-0.7beta2/scripts/ pinax-env
echo "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/" > pinax-env/lib/python2.6/site-packages/fuck-ubuntu.pth
source pinax-env/bin/activate
pinax-admin clone_project social_project mysite
We love to see members of the community move to being members of the Pinax
development community. We want to make that process as clear and simple as
possible. Making Pinax better is our number one goal and we love to see you
help us. This document covers the details of how we develop Pinax and where
you can fit in.
Reporting bugs
OS X 10.5.6, Jython 2.5b3, Pinax 0.7beta1
*this is not functional yet*
* install Jython 2.5b3 (in ~/jython2.5b3)
* put ~/jython2.5b3/bin on $PATH
* download Pinax 0.7beta1 and extract (in ~/pinax-0.7beta1)
* jython pinax-0.7beta1/scripts/ --release 0.7beta1 jython-pinax-env
* source jython-pinax-env/bin/activate