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Compiling rustup-dist v1.3.0 (file:///C:/Users/brian/Documents/dev/
error: linking with `link.exe` failed: exit code: 1318
winapi-build v0= .1.note1
: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\BuildTools\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.10.25017\\bin\\HostX86\\x86\\link.exe" "/NOLOGO" "/NXCOMPAT" "/LARGEADDRESSAWARE" "/SAFESEH" "/LIBPATH:C:\\Users\\brian\\.rustup\\toolchains\\stable-i686-pc-windows-msvc\\lib\\rustlib\\i686-pc-windows-msvc\\lib" "c:\\Users\\brian\\Documents\\dev\\\\target\\debug\\build\\backtrace-sys-f8767ff780c3f0cc\\build_script_build-f8767ff780c3f0cc.0.o" "/OUT:c:\\Users\\brian\\Documents\\dev\\\\target\\debug\\build\\backtrace-sys-f8767ff780c3f0cc\\build_script_build-f8767ff780c3f0cc.exe" "/OPT:REF,NOICF" "/DEBUG" "/LIBPATH:c:\\Users\\brian\\Documents\\dev\\\\target\\debug\\deps" "/LIBPATH:C:\\Users\\brian\\.rustup\\toolchains\\stable-i686-pc-windows-msvc\\lib\\rustlib\\i686-pc-windows-msvc\\lib" "C:\\Users\\bria

Socially, I live in a fairly conservative area (and, surprisingly, programmers are more conservative than the average person here), and the Rust community's reputation is a barrier to even talking about Rust at times. The actual state of the community is much better than it was three years ago, but the initial experiences a lot of people had have remained, particularly as a lot of enterprise bros simply do not participate in extracurricular activities like HN and reddit and only get hearsay exposure.

May 22 23:00:07.434 INFO pulling existing url git:// into ./work/local/gh-mirrors/
May 22 23:00:07.434 INFO running `git pull`
May 22 23:00:07.507 INFO blam! Already up-to-date.
May 22 23:00:07.508 INFO pulling existing url git:// into ./work/local/gh-mirrors/cbarrick.ripl
May 22 23:00:07.508 INFO running `git pull`
May 22 23:00:07.580 INFO blam! Already up-to-date.
May 22 23:00:07.580 INFO pulling existing url git:// into ./work/local/gh-mirrors/cbiffle.minimal-embedded-rust
May 22 23:00:07.580 INFO running `git pull`
May 22 23:00:07.581 ERRO unable to pull git://
May 22 23:00:07.581 ERRO caused by: Too many open files (os error 24)

Become a next-generation systems hacker with Rust

[Rust] is a novel systems programming language, designed for writing and maintaining large-scale, ultra-reliable software in the domains where typically only C and C++ are appropriate. It is the only production programming language in the world that is memory safe - meaning Rust software does not segfault - but does not have a garbage collector or rely on reference counting, and that makes it suitable for writing all kinds of software. It is also arguably the fastest programming language in the world. And with a focus on developer

mod list {
use task::Task;
use std::fmt;
pub struct List {
pub tasks: Vec<Task>,
impl List {
running 9 tests
test /mnt2/dev/assert_cli/src/ - (line 19) ... ok
test /mnt2/dev/assert_cli/src/ - (line 10) ... ok
test /mnt2/dev/assert_cli/src/ - (line 34) ... ok
test /mnt2/dev/assert_cli/src/ - (line 45) ... ok
test /mnt2/dev/assert_cli/src/ - assert_cli (line 82) ... ok
test /mnt2/dev/assert_cli/src/ - assert_cli (line 264) ... ok
test /mnt2/dev/assert_cli/src/ - assert_cli_error (line 169) ... ok
test /mnt2/dev/assert_cli/src/ - assert_cli_output (line 124) ... ok
test /mnt2/dev/assert_cli/src/ - assert_cli_output_error (line 219) ... ok

Hi there! You are recieving this because I believe you are packaging Rust or are otherwise sensitive to changes in Rust deployment.

We just released 1.15.1, and it was a difficult release where we made a mistake that impacts you. The TL;DR is that we force-pushed the 1.15.1 tag and if you rely on Rust's git tags for your processes, you should take steps to ensure you have the right value for it. git fetch origin --tags should be sufficient.

Details: for the 1.15.0 and 1.15.1 releases our process involved