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Last active March 18, 2020 14:49
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; Calculator for Simple Scheme
(define button-labels
'("%" "7" "8" "9" "÷" "MR"
"√" "4" "5" "6" "×" "M-"
"C" "1" "2" "3" "-" "M+"
"AC" "0" "." "=" "+"))
(define width (image-width (empty-scene)))
(define (conv-x x) (/ (* width (+ 1 x)) 7))
(define (conv-y y) (/ (* width (+ 2 y)) 7))
(define (inv-x x) (round (- (/ (* 7.0 x) width) 1)))
(define (inv-y y) (round (- (/ (* 7.0 y) width) 2)))
(define-struct button-category (labels size color))
(define button-categories
(make-button-category '("0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" ".") 80 "gray")
(make-button-category '("+" "-" "×" "÷" "=" "%" "√") 70 "black")
(make-button-category '("MR" "M+" "M-") 60 "blue")
(make-button-category '("AC" "C") 60 "red")))
(define-struct button (label size color))
(define buttons
(letrec ((find (lambda (lis b)
(let ((bc (car lis)))
(if (ormap (lambda (l) (string=? b l))
(button-category-labels bc))
(make-button b (button-category-size bc)
(button-category-color bc))
(find (cdr lis) b))))))
(map (lambda (l) (find button-categories l)) button-labels)))
(define (place-buttons x y buttons scn)
(if (null? buttons)
(let* ((b (car buttons))
(scn (place-image (text (button-label b) (button-size b)
(button-color b))
(conv-x x) (conv-y y) scn)))
(if (>= x 5)
(place-buttons 0 (++ y) (cdr buttons) scn)
(place-buttons (++ x) y (cdr buttons) scn)))))
(define keyboard (place-buttons 0 0 buttons (empty-scene)))
(big-bang keyboard
(on-draw (lambda (b) b))
(lambda (_ x y what)
(if (string=? what "button-down")
(let ((x (inv-x x)) (y (inv-y y)))
(let ((i (+ x (* 6 y))))
(if (< -1 i (length buttons))
(let ((b (list-ref buttons i)) (x (conv-x x)) (y (conv-y y)))
(text (button-label b) (/ (* 4 (button-size b)) 3)
x y
(place-image (circle 100 "solid" (button-color b)) x y
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