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// some color conversion code i didnt end up using but might as well put somewhere
function hcl2rgb(arr) {
function lab2xyz(t){return t>6/29?t*t*t:6/29*3*(6/29)*(t-4/29)}
function xyz2rgb(x){return 255*(x<=.0031308?12.92*x:1.055*Math.pow(x,1/2.4)-.055)}
var h = arr[0], c = arr[1], l = arr[2];
y = (l+16)/116,
a = Math.cos(h)*c, b = Math.sin(h)*c,
x = isNaN(a)?y:y+a/500, z = isNaN(b)?y:y-b/200;
document.write(`<div style=background:linear-gradient(0.25turn,${rnd()},${rnd()},${rnd()},${rnd()})></div>`)
background: repeating-linear-gradient(45deg, #3f87a6, #ebf8e1 5%, #f69d3c 20%);
clip-path: polygon(5% 5%, 100% 0%, 100% 75%, 75% 75%, 75% 100%, 50% 75%, 0% 75%);
bryc / st.txt
Created November 20, 2019 22:47
Scream Tracker Manual (1990)
Scream Tracker
<<<<< USERS MANUAL >>>>>
(C) 1990 Sami Tammilehto
bryc / VRC7_patch_guesses.txt
Last active February 3, 2020 06:02
not mine, just a collection
// Patch names
1 Buzzy Bell
2 Guitar
3 Wurly
4 Flute
5 Clarinet
6 Synth
7 Trumpet
8 Organ
9 Bells
bryc / crc16.js
Last active May 8, 2023 03:15
Optimized CRC implementations in JavaScript
Optimized CRC-16 for 0x1021 (unreflected)
With this code, (5) CRC-16 variants can be modelled:
crc=0x0000, xorout=0x0000 = CRC-16/XMODEM (default)
crc=0xFFFF, xorout=0x0000 = CRC-16/IBM-3740
crc=0xFFFF, xorout=0xFFFF = CRC-16/GENIBUS
crc=0x0000, xorout=0xFFFF = CRC-16/GSM
bryc / lzjb.js
Last active October 18, 2019 08:22
proof of concept tiny compression
// tiny simple hash (TSH)
TSH=s=>{for(var i=0,h=6,c=5;i<s.length;)h=Math.imul(h^s[i],9**9),c=Math.imul(c^s[i++],7**9);return 2**32*(2097151&(c^c>>>9))+(h^h>>>9)}
// LZB minified 512 bytes.
LZB={e:(e,f)=>{for(var r,l,o,i,s,a=0,g=0,h=128,n=[],t=e.length;a<t;)if(256==(h<<=1)&&(h=1,l=g,f[g++]=0),a>t-3)f[g++]=e[a++];else if(i=a-n[s=66*e[a]^33*e[a+1]^e[a+2]]&1023,n[s]=a,(r=a-i)!=a&&e[a]==e[r]&&e[a+1]==e[r+1]&&e[a+2]==e[r+2]){for(o=3;o<66&&e[a+o]==e[r+o];o++);a+=o,f[l]|=h,f[g++]=o-3<<2|i>>8,f[g++]=i&255}else f[g++]=e[a++]},d:(e,f)=>{for(var r,l,o,i=0,s=0,a=128;i<e.length;)if(256==(a<<=1)&&(a=1,l=e[i++]),l&a)for(r=s-(1023&(e[i]<<8|e[i+1])),o=3+(e[i]>>2),i+=2;o>0;o--)f[s++]=f[r++];else f[s++]=e[i++]}}
var sum = [], packed = [], unpacked = [], data = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,9,0,255,79,127,191,191,191,143,5,4,7,129,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,1,0,0,0,1,0,103,60,84,47,53,27,26,30,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,68,65,7,109,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,9,0,255,79,127,191,191,191,143,5,4,7,129,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,1,0,0,0,1,0,103,60,84,47,53,27,26,30,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,68,
bryc / base.js
Last active December 13, 2018 08:16
// Arbitrary precision base conversion, WIP
function baxx(str, src_base, dst_base) {
var number = [], output = "", res = [], quotient, remainder;
var charset = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
for(var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) number[i] = charset.indexOf(str[i]);
while (number.length) {
// divide successive powers of dst_base
quotient = [], remainder = 0;
a mockup of a fileformat with a 8 byte header. 56-bit magic, 8-bit version code, and 64-bit hash.
var data = [250,222,222,175,98,83,80,0,149,227,98,114,223,2,65,139,212,54,64,54,169,172,160,90,58,126,203,87,217,240,53,186,160,226,221,133,70,56,95,24,49,66,201,41,182,75,120,164,236,222,80,145,147,117,15,88,219,136,158,2,20,70,140,78,163,103,32,199,173,219,175,24,97,78,33,93,215,188,212,50,218,155,63,171,40,68,17,134,244,173,170,70,180,159,32,245,135,233,57,203,196,84,18,249,120,73,72,71,223,101,226,87,42,132,104,173,25,242,197,218,55,191,232,94,192,124,90,38,130,209,31,191,73,175,162,149,144,23,144,228,157,185,200,43,59,215,220,70,173,60,188,142,168,51,132,136,82,197,155,28,157,175,122,82,138,217,234,9,24,64,128,54,248,145,159,140,63,244,94,168,188,196,252,32,159,36,223,9,154,195,52,215,181,53,168,184,107,167,233,180,210,240,211,64,230,41,117,26,64,97,101,137,182,14,0,84,201,78,142,38,219,37,110,27,125,58,187,170,101,208,21,58,211,245,119,11,118,33,74,61,23,197,29,34,155,132,182,48,37,20,89,44,106,253,1
bryc / Adler-32.js
Last active July 11, 2024 11:22
legit checksums
// Adler-32
// Appears simpler than Fletcher, yet even better (possibly due to a = 1).
function adler32(data) {
var a = 1, b = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
a = (a + data[i]) % 65521;
b = (b + a) % 65521;
return a | (b << 16);



Note: One of the algorithms is incorrect due to a missing operator. Need to update the image. Will have to get on that soon.

These are the original 32 algorithms as used in Yamaha DX7.

The later Yamaha FS1R and Yamaha SY77 may have compatibility with these algorithms, but that's beyond the current scope. The FS1R contains 88 algorithms, while the SY77 contains 45 algorithms.