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Bryce Baril brycebaril

View GitHub Profile
var stats = require("stats-lite")
var dice = require("droll")
var rolls = []
for (var i = 0; i < 3000; i++) {
console.log("sum: %s", stats.sum(rolls))
console.log("mean: %s", stats.mean(rolls))
brycebaril / index.js
Created March 16, 2014 23:20
requirebin sketch
Browserify Live Demos!
How to make your own:
1. Clone this RequireBin
2. Adjust the REQUIRES section
3. Create a gist with demo snippets that can be run
4. Put the id for that gist into the demoGist variable
/* REQUIRES: Put modules you need in your demo in this Array */

The will setup the latest Node and install the latest perf version on your Linux box.

When you want to generate the flame graph, run the following (folder locations taken from install script):

sudo sysctl kernel/kptr_restrict=0

perf record -i -g -e cycles:u -- ~/sources/node/node --perf-basic-prof script.js

perf script | egrep -v "( __libc_start| LazyCompile | v8::internal::| Builtin:| Stub:| LoadIC:|\[unknown\]| LoadPolymorphicIC:)" | sed 's/ LazyCompile:[*~]\?/ /' | ~/sources/FlameGraph/ &gt; out.perf-folded

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am brycebaril on github.
  • I am brycebaril ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 602C 9953 7442 29B1 B9E2 DFD8 9425 9F4D 2F09 DCCC

To claim this, I am signing this object:

brycebaril / linesplit.js
Created March 27, 2014 19:53
Split a file into a file per line of the input file.
var fs = require("fs")
var split = require("binary-split")
var terminus = require("terminus")
var path = require("path")
var input = process.argv[2]
var dir = path.dirname(input)
var basename = path.basename(input)
var count = 0
brycebaril / eventloop.js
Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
An interesting little demo to demonstrate some of the intricacies and changes with the Node.js event loop
var counter = 0
var start =
function foo(from, when) {
console.log(counter, when, from, process._getActiveHandles().length, - start)
var scheduledAt = counter
if (counter == 2 || counter == 25) {
function abc() {
return def();
function def() {
return abc.arguments[0] * 2;
abc(50); // >> 100
// so that's weird enough but:
"type": "Program",
"body": [
"type": "ExpressionStatement",
"expression": {
"type": "CallExpression",
"callee": {
"type": "Identifier",
"name": "require"

Y axis = stack depth X axis = percent of time spent in this function

If a function sits atop another, it was in its callchain and spent time in the callee. The more of a parent that is covered by the things it calls, the less it is doing and the more its children are doing.

This means the two main things (in my experience) to look for are:

  • plateaus -- functions where a lot of time was spent
  • shallow-sloped pyramids -- functions where time was spent up and down the callchain vs any isolated place

In the middle of the wide section you can see a function called "parseGif" which is where we'll focus. This particular flame graph was generated to analyze something inside there -- for the most part I don't care about the rest right now.

brycebaril /
Last active February 23, 2020 22:35
process.nextTick vs setImmediate

@mafintosh asks: "Does anyone have a good code example of when to use setImmediate instead of nextTick?"

The answer is "generally anywhere outside of core".

process.nextTick is barely asynchronous. Flow-wise it is asynchronous, but it will trigger before any other asynchronous events can (timers, io, etc.) and thus can starve the event loop.

In this script I show a starved event loop where I just synchronously block, use nextTick and setImmediate