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wordsOfLength :: [Char] -> Integer -> [[Char]]
wordsOfLength alphabet n | n <= 0 = [""]
| otherwise = [a:b | a <- alphabet, b <- wordsOfLength alphabet (n-1)]
perms :: [Char] -> [[Char]]
perms [] = [""]
perms xs = reverse $ sort $ nub [x:y | x <- xs, y <- perms $ delete x xs]
static class Node
int val;
Node left;
Node right;
Node(int val, Node left, Node right)
this.val = val;
this.left = left;
package benchmark;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.GenerateMicroBenchmark;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
public class NextEventLoopBenchmark {
public void newNext8 () {
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
b.NextEventLoopBenchmark.newNext16 thrpt 1 200 1 8.562 0.006 ops/ms
b.NextEventLoopBenchmark.newNext19 thrpt 1 200 1 8.500 0.005 ops/ms
b.NextEventLoopBenchmark.newNext8 thrpt 1 200 1 8.567 0.007 ops/ms
b.NextEventLoopBenchmark.newNext9 thrpt 1 200 1 8.434 0.007 ops/ms
b.NextEventLoopBenchmark.existingNext16 thrpt 1 200 1 8.485 0.005 ops/ms
b.NextEventLoopBenchmark.existingNext19 thrpt 1 200 1 8.506 0.003 ops/ms
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
b.NextEventLoopBenchmark.existingNext16 thrpt 1 100 1 0.387 0.001 ops/ms
b.NextEventLoopBenchmark.existingNext19 thrpt 1 100 1 0.386 0.002 ops/ms
b.NextEventLoopBenchmark.newNext16 thrpt 1 100 1 0.828 0.003 ops/ms
b.NextEventLoopBenchmark.newNext8 thrpt 1 100 1 0.828 0.003 ops/ms
b.NextEventLoopBenchmark.newNext19 thrpt 1 100 1 0.371 0.002 ops/ms
b.NextEventLoopBenchmark.newNext9 thrpt 1 100 1 0.371 0.002 ops/ms
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Solution {
private static int discoverSink(int[][] farmland, int[][] basins, int nextbasin, int i, int j) {
if (basins[i][j] != 0) {
return basins[i][j];
// perform a dfs starting at i,j searching for a sink
} else {
int minaltitude = farmland[i][j];
package palantir;
import java.util.Comparator;
public class FileNameComparator implements Comparator<String>
* Numbers in the string are compared by their natural order
* and not their ASCII order. (2 < 10)
// Welcome back! I just wrote down this code from the top of my head to express the main ideas.
// I didn't compile or run it. It's mostly pseudocode anyway.
// The problem of associating tasks to channels could be solved by
// having the developer tell us, which channel a task belongs to
// this would make filtering the tasks on migration very easy.
// The downside is that it is subject to user errors.
// null if it doesn't belong to any particular channel
// Hi there! I just want to let you know that I have neither compiled nor run
// this code.
EventLoopGroup workerGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(32, new CustomEventExecutorChooser());
public interface EventExecutorChooser {
void addExecutor(EventExecutor executor)
MetricsProvider newMetricsProvider();
EventExecutor next();