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Markus Buchner buchnema

  • munich
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buchnema /
Created September 19, 2016 10:14
Creating German diceware wordlist from Open Thesaurus for six-sided dice
This script takes the dataset from the Open Thesaurus project and
transforms it to a wordlist comparable to the original diceware list.
I thought the original list contains too much lines which just don't
make any sense and/or are hard to memorize. So my goal was to
automatically generate a list containing only memorable words, which
can then be used to add your own special characters or variations.
buchnema /
Created September 19, 2016 10:15
Creating German diceware wordlist from Open Thesaurus for ten-sided dice
This script takes the dataset from the Open Thesaurus project and
transforms it to a wordlist comparable to the original diceware list.
I thought the original list contains too much lines which just don't
make any sense and/or are hard to memorize. So my goal was to
automatically generate a list containing only memorable words, which
can then be used to add your own special characters or variations.
buchnema / mp4_loudnorm.bat
Last active January 13, 2025 14:23
Loudness normalization for mp4 videos
:: This drag-n-drop script for windows uses ffmpeg's loudnorm
:: filter to correct the perceived loudness (not technical loudness)
:: of mp4 videos without video reencoding or changing metadata.
:: This will make the audio of your videos more even and you won't
:: have to adjust playback volume when watching.
:: loudness-part from
buchnema /
Created January 13, 2022 10:48
Converting a RedNotebook backup file into a csv file which can be imported to Diarium
This script converts a text backup from RedNotebook into a csv file which can then be imported in Diarium.
Steps to do this:
1. export a backup from Rednotebook as plain text without marks
2. execute this script with the text file as argument
3. import the output csv with the migration feature in Diarium as a Daylio backup file
buchnema / merge_MP3_folder.bat
Last active January 4, 2024 20:51
This drag-n-drop script for windows merges mp3 Files in multiple folders by dragging them onto this bat file. The result is one merged mp3 file per folder.
@echo off
chcp 1252
:: This drag-n-drop script for windows merges all mp3 Files in a
:: folder by dragging it onto this bat file. It can be used for
:: multiple folders at once which outputs one merged mp3 file per
:: folder.
:: Installed ffmpeg is required. To use ffmpeg you need to install